The full name of "Cao Quan Stele" is "Han Heyang Ling Cao Quan Stele". It is an important representative work of official script in the Han Dynasty. This stele is unique among Han official scripts. It is a stele that preserves a large number of official script characters in the Han Dynasty. The handwriting is beautiful and clear, and the structure is flat. It is well-proportioned, stretched and graceful, graceful, with straight strokes and both long and short strokes. It belongs to the same category as "Yi Ying" and "Liturgical Vessels", but its expression is gorgeous and flying, with the attitude of "Looking back, smiling and being charming", it is actually a Han Dynasty official The weirdest thing in the world. It is famous for its elegant style and neat structure, so it has always been valued by calligraphers.

"Cao Quan Stele Collection and Couplets" is newly compiled based on the collection of couplets with the word "Fan" in Cao Quan's Stele. In terms of the content of the couplets, a selection of famous couplets from famous figures in the past dynasties was selected. In terms of the selection of the word "Fan", the couplets were repeatedly selected. By comparison, we try our best to achieve the unity and coordination of the whole and the composition, for calligraphers and calligraphy lovers to learn and appreciate.