Obviously, those who like Guange style calligraphy and those who like Wang Duo's calligraphy must have different tastes. When someone spits in front of you and describes how neat and beautiful Huang Ziyuan's calligraphy is, you may already have the answer in your mind about his calligraphy style, interest, and even the level of his articles and language. Because a person's words reveal his taste.

What's your taste in words? What kind of style and realm do you want to pursue?

 Interesting taste

Why do we need to learn calligraphy, why do we need to create, and why do we need to borrow books to express our feelings? Because between the lines, there are full of life styles and rich life interests. Some of our calligraphers are only satisfied with one kind of taste, such as "beautiful" and "good-looking". They indulge in this and sit in a well and look at the sky. This is a narrow calligraphy taste.

The taste of calligraphy is broad and broad. It is said to "shape its sorrow and joy and express its emotion". When Han Yu talked about Zhang Xu's cursive script in "Preface to Master Gao Xian", he said: "Happiness, anger, embarrassment, sorrow, joy, resentment, longing, drunkenness, boredom and injustice, whatever moves the heart, must be in the heart." The cursive script was developed. Looking at things, I saw mountains and rivers, cliffs and valleys, birds and beasts, insects and fish, vegetation and flowers, the sun and the moon, stars, wind and rain, water and fire, thunder, thunder, singing, dancing, fighting, and the changes in heaven and earth. It’s surprising that it’s all in the book.”

Han Yu's comment not only appropriately criticized Zhang Xu, but also provided the best explanation for the taste and taste of calligraphy. Sun Guoting commented on Wang Xizhi and said: "The writing of "Le Yi" is full of emotions and melancholy, the "Praise of Painting" is full of wonderful meanings, the "Huang Ting Jing" is full of joy and nothingness, and the "Taishi Zhi" is full of contention. Jie Hu Lanting When you are in high spirits, your thoughts are at ease and your mind is super high; when you are private, you are bound by emotions and ambitions." ("Shu Pu") "The Preface to the Lanting Collection" is the best running script in the world.

Therefore, your handwriting not only shows your writing skills, but also your spiritual outlook, and also represents your taste, style, and interest.

 Realm of taste

Yan Lugong was born in a famous family, and his life was full of righteousness. His "Memorial to My Nephew Ji Mingwen" is filled with majestic spirit and loyalty, depicting a noble state of grief for family members and concern for the country.

Lin Zexu is a national hero who shines in history, and he is also an important calligrapher. Lin Zexu's life trajectory is highly consistent with his feelings in writing. His handwriting is calm and dignified, with a balance of strength and softness. He has the style of a gentleman enforcing the law and facing the court disputes. He has the air of a gentleman hiding his weapons, being loyal, straightforward and knowledgeable. The famous couplet written by Lin Zexu, "The sea embraces all rivers, and tolerance is great; standing on a wall thousands of feet, and having no desires is strong", directly expresses the iron will and broad mind, opens up the eternal realm, benefits future generations, and has far-reaching influence.

 Meteorological taste

What is weather? The layout is broad and broad, with the appearance of soaring dragons and phoenixes swimming in the autumn sky. Wang Guowei's "Ren Jian Ci Hua" believes that Taibai is pure in appearance. Taibai is not only unique in his poetry, but also in his writing. "Tie to the Upper Balcony", which is considered to be the original work of Taibai: "The mountains are high and the water is long, and there are millions of objects. How could it be so powerful without an old pen?" Although there are only sixteen characters, the strange atmosphere it creates is enough to be majestic. Crowning ancient and modern times.

Take Mi Fu as an example again. Mi Fu promised: "Those who are good at calligraphy can only get one stroke, and I have four sides." Mi Fu's calligraphy comes out from all directions, swaying vertically and horizontally, sometimes like a group of peaks towering, sometimes like a galloping horse. When reading Mi Fu, one can of course approach it from the perspective of taste and state of mind, but after all, it cannot be understood except through meteorology.

Take Mao Zedong as an example again. Mao Zedong was a great strategist, revolutionist, theorist, statesman, as well as a great poet and calligrapher. Mao Zedong determined to transform China and the world when he was young. His life was magnificent and majestic. His poems and writings were like the person he was, and he created an unprecedented grand cultural atmosphere.

There are differences, connections, and connections between taste, realm, and atmosphere. Some calligraphy works are good at one, some are good at both, and some are good at all three. But no matter which situation, the word "true" is indispensable. Only with true temperament can you have true interest; only with true cultivation can you have true realm; only with true mind can you have true atmosphere.

The era we live in is a new era that requires true taste, true realm, and true atmosphere. Everyone who writes needs to constantly pursue high-end taste, sublime realm and advanced taste.