Liu Yuxi, who wrote the eternal famous poem "Inscription on a Humble House", has been admired by later generations for his demeanor of "living in a humble house, but still remaining noble". The calligraphy works based on the theme of "Inscription on a Humble Room" were widely used in home decoration by later generations to show the elegance and style of the living environment. Today I have prepared a calligraphy work based on "Inscription on a Humble House" for everyone, so that you can experience the beauty of a different humble house.

1. Southern Song Dynasty writer: Wen Tianxiang

Wen Tianxiang's running script "Inscription on the Humble Room"


2. The great calligrapher and painter of the Yuan Dynasty: Zhao Mengfu

"Inscription on the Humble Room" in running script by Zhao Mengfu

Paper copy of "The Inscription on the Humble Room" in running script by Zhao Mengfu,

49 cm long and 131 cm wide; 19 lines in total, 86 words in total.

The inscription is "Zi'ang", with the seal "Zi'ang of the Zhao family" in Zhu Wen's square seal, and the seal of "Songxuezhai" in Zhu Wen's rectangular seal.

3. Calligrapher of Yuan Dynasty: Tai Buhua

Tai Buhua's seal script "Inscription on the Humble Room"

Appreciation of Tai Buhua's seal script works "Humble Room Inscription" volume, paper, length 36.9cm, width 113.5cm. Written in 1346 when he was 43 years old, he is good at calligraphy in seal script, official script and regular script. Seal script master Song Xuxuan mostly used square folds in his writing, and his strokes were round and vigorous, with a sparse and steady structure. The final strokes were mostly pointed, which is the "hanging needle" brushwork. This is the only authentic seal script of Tai Buhua seen so far. As a minority literati, it is extremely rare to be able to write such neat and elegant ancient Chinese characters.

4. The great calligrapher and painter of the Ming Dynasty: Wen Zhengming

Wen Zhengming's "Inscription on the Humble Room" in running script

5. The great calligrapher of the Ming Dynasty: Zhu Zhishan

Zhu Zhishan's cursive script "Inscription on a Humble Room"

6. Calligrapher and painter of Ming Dynasty: Dong Qichang

Dong Qichang's cursive script "Inscription on the Humble Room"

7. Calligrapher in the late Qing Dynasty: Yao Mengqi

Yao Mengqi's regular script "Inscription on the Humble Room"

8. Calligrapher, painter, and seal engraver of the Qing Dynasty: Zhao Zhiqian

Zhao Zhiqian's seal script "Inscription on the Humble Room"

9. Important official of the Republic of China and contemporary grass sage: Yu Youren

Yu Youren's cursive script "Inscription on the Humble Room"

10. Famous modern calligrapher and painter: Pu Xinshe

 Pu Xinshe's "Inscription on the Humble Room" in running script

11. Modern Chinese thinker: Ma Yifu

Ma Yifu's Seal Script "Inscription on the Humble Room"

Finally, the big names enter!

Wang Xizhi also has a "work" called "Inscription on a Humble Room"?

Calligraphers of the Jin Dynasty wrote poems of the Tang Dynasty? Time travel?

Don't be nervous, these are collections of calligraphy works.

We present the works of Wang Xizhi, Zhiyong, Mi Fu and Huang Tingjian in order:

12. Wang Xizhi's "Inscription on the Humble House"

Wang Xizhi's calligraphy "Humble Room Inscription"