That is, "Shangbo Stele", the full name is "Han Ganling Prime Minister Shangfujun Stele", also known as "Ganling Prime Minister Stele". The official script is divided into two pieces. One piece is 152cm high and 22cm wide, with five lines of writing; the other piece is 181cm high and 24cm wide, with six lines of writing, all with three crosses. There is no date or month, but judging from the font, it must be in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. In 1922, the Beiling of Zhangyang Village in the north of Luoyang City was unearthed. It was originally stored in the Yanshi Mall Museum and is now in the Henan Museum. The calligraphy style of this stele is regular and beautiful, with vigorous brushwork and extended calligraphy. It is a typical work in the mature period of official script.