"Qiu Zhe's Epitaph" was buried in the first year of Yong'an in the Northern Wei Dynasty (528). It is 45 centimeters high and 45 centimeters wide. It has seventeen lines of text and a full line of nineteen lines. It was established in 529 (the second year of Emperor Xiaozhuang's Yong'an reign). It was unearthed in Magou Village, northeast of Luoyang City, Henan Province in 1927. Mr. Yu Youren donated the Forest of Steles in Xi'an in 1938.

Jun Taizhe is from Luoyang, Henan. The general of Zhenxi, the governor of Dingzhou, the governor of Dingzhou, the grandson of Kudui, the governor of Linhuai, the son of Qizhi, the governor of Luozhou, the son of Cao Bi and Zhencao, Suwei Cao Si, the minister of Luozhou, the governor of Luozhou. With little quality and tassels, the crown is full of flowers and algae. Emperor Xiaowen, the great ancestor, was too obscene to take care of him. At the age of seven, he was promoted to an expert and an expert. However, when Jin Qun went to court, Bingxinzhu was there. Si soon turned into Zhongsan again. However, due to Ji's luck, he moved to Ding Yiluo, Wanfu returned to his sincerity, and Qianji was demoted. However, when Wu crossed the border and retreated to the south of the Yangtze River, Xiashi was a remote city, and the situation became more and more strange. Emperor Shizong Xuanwu knew that benevolence is not easy, and a simple division must be loyal, so he became a general and engaged in supporting troops and attacking the southeast from time to time. Although he was taught by Meng Lun Gong Temple, he has not yet shown his sincerity. Haotian Shaojian, I am a solitary orchid, the land is vast and I have no intention, I have slaughtered eight Gui. Since the 50th year of the Spring and Autumn Period, I have been sleeping at home on the twenty-first day of the first month of the first year of Wutai. On the 19th day of the 11th month of the 11th month of the lunar month, Bingshen was buried in the south of Beimang, fifteen miles west of the city. However, gold and jade destroy feelings, increasing admiration and flowing chants; pines and orchids obliterate sorrow, chasing pain to express their embrace. Pretend to make an inscription, and the words are: Jiao Jiao's husband, the mausoleum clouds are far away, the three beauties are shining, and the ripples are graceful. The quality of behavior, fame and splendor, are like honors and rolls, the capital of tassels and ornaments, and the ceremony of crowns. Guizhang is a favor, orchids and bamboos are flourishing, and wen and brocade are drawn. The old martial arts are strange, and the gold and jade are in your arms. How can it last forever?
①This epitaph was written on November 19, the second year of Yong'an (529). The author is not yet known.
②The first year of Wutai is 528 AD
③□ is a missing or unreadable character