Ou style is a regular script font created by Ouyang Xun, a great calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty. It is characterized by using both square and round shapes, with squares as the main focus, strong stipples and concentrated strokes. It is both steep and steep, yet rigorous and neat. It remains steady on the side, compact yet sparse.


Ouyang Xun (557-641), courtesy name Xinben, was born in Linxiang, Tanzhou (now Changsha, Hunan). He was one of the four masters of regular script (Ouyang Xun, Yan Zhenqing, Liu Gongquan, and Zhao Mengfu). Dr. Taichang, an official in the Sui Dynasty, was granted the title of Prince Shugengling in the Tang Dynasty, also known as "Ouyang Shugeng". Together with three others of the same generation (Yu Shinan, Chu Suiliang, and Xue Ji), they are also known as the Four Great Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty. Because his son Ouyang Tong was also good at calligraphy, he was also called "Da Ou". Ouyang Xun's regular script is unparalleled in the world for its rigorous standard and powerful writing skills. He is said to be the best regular script among the Tang Dynasty people. Both he and Yu Shinan were famous for their calligraphy in the early Tang Dynasty, and they were both called "European Yu". Later generations saw that their calligraphy was extremely dangerous in the ordinary, and was the easiest for beginners to learn, so they called it "European style".

Ouyang Xun's regular script collection of Yueyang Towers

In the spring of the fourth year of Qingli, Teng Zijing was relegated to Baling County. cross

Next year, the government will be harmonious and people will be harmonious, and everything will be prosperous.
Then the Yueyang Tower was rebuilt, its old structure was added, and poems and poems by Tang Xian and modern people were engraved on it.

on it. It belongs to me to write down to record it.
I watched my husband Baling's victory in a lake in Dongting.
Carrying distant mountains, swallowing the Yangtze River, the vastness

The vast water is boundless; the sunrise and sunset are full of myriads of phenomena.
This is the grand view of Yueyang Tower, as described by predecessors

Ready. However, it leads to Wu Gorge in the north and Xiaoxiang in the south.
I've been here many times, and the feeling of looking at things is the same?

If the rain is falling, the moon is not open, the wind is howling, and the turbid waves are emptying;
The sun and stars disappear, the mountains disappear; business travel

If it doesn't work, the cannons will fall and be destroyed; in the dusk, the tigers will roar and the apes will cry.
When you climb the tower, you feel nostalgic for your country, worried about slander and fear of ridicule.

His eyes are full of desolation, and he feels extremely sad.
When spring comes and the scenery is bright, the waves are calm, and the sky above and below is bright and clear;

The sand gulls gather together and the golden scales swim; the orchids on the shore are lush and green.
And maybe the long smoke is gone, the bright moon is thousands of miles away, floating light

The gold is leaping, the silent shadows are sinking into the jade, and the fishermen are answering each other's songs, what a joy it is!
Climbing the tower makes you feel relaxed and happy, and you can forget your favors and disgrace together.

If you put wine in the wind, you will be overjoyed.
Sigh! I try to seek the benevolent heart of the ancients, or do it differently from the two, why?

Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself; if you live high in the temple, you will worry about the people;
If you are far away from the rivers and lakes, you will worry about your king. It's Jin

Also worried, retreating is also worried. But when will you be happy?
He must say, "Be worried about the world's worries first, and be happy after the world's happiness."

"I'm so happy. Oh! Who can I return to, Weisi people?"
It was September 15th, six years ago.