Mi Fu's Duojinglou Poetry Album, collected by the Shanghai Museum, consists of 11 pages. Each page is 31.2 cm long and 53.1 cm wide. There are 41 lines of characters in total, and each line contains two or three characters. Some only have one character, which fully demonstrates the majestic power of Mi Fu's large-character running script. "Duojinglou Poetry Album" was originally a long scroll, which was framed into a volume during the Song Dynasty. It was collected by many collectors during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is a masterpiece of calligraphy that has been circulated in an orderly manner. This volume is in Mi Fu's running script, with eleven pages and no seal. From the beginning to the end of the book, the wind and the horses are calm and clear, and it is written in one go. In the first year of Chongning (1102), the postscript of He Zhizhong of the same dynasty was written by Mi Fu. There is also a copy by Ye Gongchao in Taipei, and both are suspected to be copies.

 "Duojinglou Poetry Album" is Mi Fu's late large-character work. Compared with "Wujiang Zhouzhong Poems" which he created when he was in his 30s, it is obvious that the writing style is mature and thick, the frame and sides are stable, extremely bold and the writing power is majestic. Facing "Duojinglou Poetry Album", one can imagine Mi Fu's spirit of "wandering around in the eight extremes, with eyes all over the world" when he waved his brush. His self-proclaimed "brush calligraphy" style of brushstrokes is very obvious in this volume, with many strokes showing scattered edges at the beginning. Some vertical pens and skimming pens leave white spots due to rapid movement. The whole work is majestic and majestic, and the ups and downs of the strokes contain huge tension.

Hua Xu once traveled in his dream, and he was the first in the world.
Suddenly, all the souls in the Ming Dynasty come in, and there are six sorrows in the distant sea.
It means that it is divided into Fangyu and exposed, and the top is Zhao Zhao and the columns are floating.
When Niezi came, he was busy with alms bowls. When Han Xing returned, he didn't notice the ox.
The clouds move with angry wings and travel thousands of miles, and the energy is strong and the wind controls the nine autumns.
Leisure pursues the spectacular all his life, and he is on the unknown platform in Cangzhou.
Multi-view building. The Zen master wanted to build a building. Old book.