This regular script is based on Ouyang Xun, Wang Xizhi, Mi Fu and other calligraphy styles. It has the boldness and sharpness of the European style, but also the gentleness and beauty of the two kings. It has the coexistence of strength and strength with dignity and elegance. It is compact and clear, and rigorous. The middle part is free and easy, the structure is beautiful, full and neat, the style of writing is flexible, steady, vigorous and powerful.

Appreciation of Lu Qicheng's regular script "The Yellow Emperor's Yin Fu Sutra"

Yellow Emperor's Yin Fu Jing Qicheng

Yellow Emperor's Yin Fu Jing, Part 1: The Way of Observing Heaven, Holding

The journey of heaven is over. Therefore, there are five thieves in heaven, and those who see them will prosper. five thieves

Care about the heart and implement it in heaven. The universe depends on the hand, and all transformations come into being

body. Nature is a person; human heart is a machine. To establish the way of heaven, to determine

People too. The sky sends out murderous intentions, and the stars change places; the earth sends murderous intentions, and the dragon

The snake rises from the land; man sends his murderous intention, and heaven and earth turn upside down; heaven and man unite,

Ever-changing foundation. Nature is clever and can be hidden. Nine orifices

Evil, cares about the three essentials, can move or remain still. Fire is born from wood, causing disasters

It will be conquered; if a traitor is born in a country, it will collapse in time. The cultivation of knowledge is called

The saint. Novel: Born to die, Tao

The reason is also. Heaven and earth are the robbers of all things; all things are the robbers of man; man,

The thief of all things. The three thieves are both suitable and the three talents are safe. Therefore it is said: food

At that time, everything is in order; if you use its mechanism, everything will be at peace. People know their gods

As for (the) gods, they don’t know why they are gods. The sun and the moon are numbered,

The size is determined, the sacred power arises, and the divine power emerges. Its stolen machine

Yes, no one in the world can see it, no one can know it. A gentleman has a solid bow,

The villain gets his life lightly. Next article

The blind person is good at hearing, and the deaf person is good at seeing. One source of great profit, ten teachers

times. Return to day and night three times, and use your troops ten thousand times. The heart is born from things and dies from

Things, the opportunity lies in the purpose. God is unfaithful but has great kindness. Thunderous

The wind is so stupid. The most joyful nature, the most tranquil nature and incorruptibility. Heaven's

Use it for the most public purpose. The control of birds lies in Qi. The living and the dead

Root, the root of death. Grace is born from harm, harm is born from grace. stupid

People regard heaven and earth, culture and science as sages, and I regard time, objects, culture, science and philosophy as sages. people

I am a saint because I am stupid, and I am a saint because I am not stupid. People are holy because they are strange.

I pray for nothing. Therefore it is said: If you sink into the fire, you will perish. since

However, the Tao is still, so everything in heaven and earth comes into existence. The way of heaven and earth is soaked,

Therefore, yin and yang win. Yin and Yang push each other and change smoothly. Therefore the sage knows