In the Ming Dynasty, Lu Can's "Shi Ming Bian" was written in regular script and in regular script. It was written in the Yiwei year of Jiajing. It is behind the volume of Tang Yin's "Shi Ming Tu" and is collected by the Palace Museum in Beijing. The work depicts Suzhou literati Chen Shiming wandering in the woods and debating with guests about tea drinking while entertaining guests. The text aims to express and elucidate the meaning of "Shiming".


【Explanation】Chen Zi Shi Ming. The guest said: "Chen Zi is still there?" I said no. Chen Zi is drowning, saying that he is drowning. Chen Zi is living in a house. Everyone in the world can't help it. Who knows it? Chen Zicheng knew it, and it was a place for you. However, Chen Zizhi said, "There are beautiful buildings, divided into rivers to store the moon. The pines are bright, the eyes are like crabs, and the hair is secluded. It is to gather good friends and reward them with good scenery. This is why." If it is almost drowning, it is said that Zheng Zhu Yumeng is like this. My sincerity is deeper than tea, and I am calmer than straight, so I am in trouble. It is not drowning. Chen Zifu is not doing it. There must be a way to do things, and you will know it from the things. How can Chen Zi be content with Ming Zai? Chen Zicao Man has a legacy from Yongmen. For a while, scholars did not catch it, but they knew that it was not possible to study it in Ming Dynasty. Said: "Everyone eats and drinks, and rarely knows the taste. The ancestors followed this, and those who entered the Tao are very close. Chen Zi said that he knows the tea, and the meaning of it is here. The benefit cannot be studied." Chen Zi lives a peaceful life, is restrained but not resistant, believes in being upright, and has a lot of potential. Therefore, everything is about its place. The guest Weiwei thanked him and said: From now on I know that Chen Zi is in charge of Ming Dynasty. Jiajing Yiwei, Mengqiu, Ji Pingyuan, Lu Can was in charge of Mingbian.