Wang Duo came to Liu Gongquan's "Sheng Ci Tie" and "Fu Shen Tie" in cursive script. Wang Duo's calligraphy is unique and is known as "Wang Duo's Magic Pen". His calligraphy is as famous as Dong Qichang, and he was known as the "King of South, Dong and North" in the late Ming Dynasty. His calligraphy brushes are well-regulated and relaxed, but full of free and powerful power.


Shengci allowed him to guard the official position, which slightly reduced his guilt, but he was still deeply worried. Continue to talk to each other, not one by one. Sincerely present it to your thirtieth brother. Respect on the 14th. Sister Fu Shen is scheduled to send her hair in August, and her younger brother is traveling with his twenty-eighth younger brother. Hearing from afar, he is very angry. Today is the seventh day of the Yuan Dynasty. I hope my brother will be as fast as possible. I wish to consult on the road without stopping, which is a great blessing. Before it was revealed, hatred and hatred increased, not one by one. The public authority was presented to the 23rd brother, but the intention was not specific. He asked for it in small regular script first and then sent it to the envoy later. null.

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