Liu Gongquan's "Vajra Prajnaparamita Sutra" in regular script, paper, size 28.5 cm x 1166.6 cm, engraved in April of the fourth year of Changqing's reign in the Tang Dynasty (824), made by Liu Gongquan when he was 47 years old. The "Diamond Sutra" is engraved on a horizontal stone, with a total of twelve pieces, with eleven characters in each line. The original stone was destroyed in the Song Dynasty. In 1908, an original Tang rubbing was discovered in the Dunhuang Grottoes. Not a single word was damaged. It is extremely rare and is a rare treasure among Dunhuang documents. This rare national treasure was taken away by the Frenchman Heber and is now in the French National Library.

【1】This is what I have heard from the Vajra Prajnaparamita Sutra. At that time, the Buddha was in the country of Savatthi, and he only had a tree in the Solitary Garden, together with a group of great bhikkhus, totaling one thousand two hundred and fifty people. At that time, the World-Honored One, while eating, put on his clothes and held his alms bowl, and went to the great city of Savatthi to beg for food. In the city, after begging one after another, he returned to his home place. After finishing his meal, he collected his clothes and bowl and washed his feet.

【2】Already, sit down. At that time, Elder Subhuti stood up from his seat in the crowd, raised his right shoulder, put his right knee on the ground, put his palms together in reverence, and said to the Buddha: "Is there a World Honored One? The Tathagata is good at protecting and caring for all Bodhisattvas, and is good at giving instructions to all Bodhisattvas. World Honored One." Good man. Good woman. With the mind of Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, where can I live?

【3】How to subdue his heart? The Buddha said: "Good, good, good!" Subhuti, as you said, the Tathagata is good at protecting and caring for all Bodhisattvas and good at giving instructions to all Bodhisattvas. You are listening carefully now and I will explain it to you. Good men and good women who have the mind of anuttarasamyaksambodhi should abide in this way and subdue their minds in this way. "Wei Ran, World Honored One." I wish I could hear it. "

【4】The Buddha told Subhuti. All Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas should subdue their minds in this way. All sentient beings and so on. If it is born from an egg, it is born from a fetus. If dampness arises, if metamorphosis arises. If there is color, if there is no color. If you think about it, if you don’t think about it. If there is no thought, it is not without thought. I will cause them to enter Nirvana without any residue and save them. In this way, countless and boundless sentient beings are annihilated. There are really no sentient beings who can be saved. Why. Subhuti. If a Bodhisattva has the appearance of self, appearance of human beings, appearance of living beings, and appearance of longevity. Right now

【5】Not a Bodhisattva. Repeat. Subhuti. Bodhisattva in Dharma. There should be no place to live. Practice giving. The so-called don't stop giving alms. Don't stop giving alms with the sound, fragrance and touching the Dharma. Subhuti. Bodhisattvas should give in this way. Don't live in appearance. Why. If the Bodhisattva does not give alms. Its merits are immeasurable. Subhuti. What do you mean? The void in the east. Can't think about it. No. World Honored One. Subhuti. South, northwest. The four-dimensional void above and below. Can't think about it. No, World Honored One. Subhuti. The Bodhisattva has no abiding appearance and gives alms. The same goes for merit. Unthinkable. Subhuti. Bodhisattvas should live as taught.

【6】Subhuti. What do you mean? Can we meet the Tathagata in person? No. World Honored One. You cannot see the Tathagata physically. Why. Tathagata said the physical form. That is not the physical form. The Buddha told Subhuti. All appearances. All are false. If you see that everything is different. Then see the Tathagata. Subhuti spoke to the Buddha. World Honored One. Quite a lot of sentient beings. You can hear the words spoken like this. Believe it or not. The Buddha told Subhuti. Don't make excuses. After the Tathagata dies.

【7】After five hundred years. There are those who keep the precepts and cultivate good fortune. In this chapter. Can generate confidence. Take this as reality. You should know that you are a human being. Not one Buddha and two Buddhas. Three, four, and five Buddhas. And plant good roots. Already immeasurable

【8】Thousands of Buddha places. Plant good roots. Wen is the chapter and sentence. Even one thought gives birth to pure faith. Subhuti. The Tathagata knows and sees. It’s all sentient beings. Gain such immeasurable merit. Why. yes

【9】all living beings. There is no longer the appearance of me, the appearance of human beings, the appearance of sentient beings, and the appearance of longevity. Unable to relate. There is no illegal appearance either. Why. It’s all sentient beings. If the heart takes the form. It is for the sake of the longevity of all sentient beings. like

【10】Get the Dharma. That is, the one who protects the longevity of all sentient beings. Why. If you take the illegal phase. That is, the one who protects the longevity of all sentient beings. Therefore, the method should not be adopted. It should not be taken illegally. For this reason. Tathagata

【11】Often said. You monks. Know what I say. Like a raft metaphor. Dharma should be given up. Not to mention illegal.

【12】Subhuti. What do you mean? The Tathagata obtains Anuttarasamyaksambodhi. The Tathagata has something to say. Subhuti said. As I understand what the Buddha said. There is no fixed method. name

【13】Nodoro Sanliu Sanbodhi. There is no fixed method. Tathagata can say. Why. Tathagata said. All are undesirable. It cannot be said. Illegal but not illegal. So what? Everything is virtuous

【14】St. All based on inaction. And there is a difference.

【15】Subhuti. What do you mean? If a person fills the seven treasures of the three thousand worlds. To use alms. It is the merit that people gain. I would rather have more than anything. Subhuti said. A lot. World Honored One. Why. yes

【16】Ford. That is, it is not meritorious. This is why the Tathagata says there are many blessings. If there is someone again. It is upheld in this sutra. Even four sentences of gatha. Speak for others. His blessing is better than his. Why. Subhuti

【17】Mention. All Buddhas. And the Dharma of Anuttarasamyaksambodhi of all Buddhas. All come from this scripture. Subhuti. The so-called Dharma. That is not Buddhism.

【18】Subhuti. What do you mean? Sotapanna can do this kind of thinking. I have obtained the Sotapanna. Subhuti said. No, World Honored One. Why. Sotapanna is called entering the stream, but there is nothing

【19】Enter. Not into color, sound, fragrance or touch. His name is Sotapanna. Subhuti. What do you mean? Si Tuohan can think like this. I can't get the result of Situohan. Subhuti said. No, World Honored One. what

【20】For this reason. The name of Situohan comes and goes, but in fact there is no communication. This is the name of Situohan. Subhuti. What do you mean? Anagami can think of this. Do I have the fruit of Anagami? Subhuti said.

【21】No, World Honored One. Why. Anagami is said not to come, but in fact he does not come. Hence the name, Anagami. Subhuti. What do you mean? An Arhat can do this. I have to be an Arhat

【22】No. Subhuti said. No, World Honored One. Why. There is really no Dharma, and he is called an Arhat. World Honored One. If an Arhat thinks like this. I have the path of Arahant. That is for the longevity of all sentient beings.

【23】World Honored One. The Buddha said that I have attained the Samadhi of No Objection, which is the best among people. He is the first Arahant to be free from desire. I don't think right and wrong. I am a dispassionate Arahant. World Honored One. If I do it, think of me

[24] Obtain the path of Arhat. The World-Honored One does not speak of Subhuti, but he is the one who practices joyful Alana. Subhuti actually does nothing, and is named Subhuti. This is the practice of Happy Alana. The Buddha told Subhuti.

【25】What’s the point? The Tathagata was in the place of Ran Deng Buddha. There is no gain from the law. World Honored One. The Tathagata is at the place of Ran Deng Buddha. Nothing is gained from the law.

【26】Subhuti. What do you mean? The Buddha Land is not adorned with Bodhisattvas. No. World Honored One. Why. Those who solemnize the Buddha Land are not solemn. It's called solemnity. That’s why Subhuti. Bodhisattvas Maha

【27】Sa, a pure mind should be born in this way. Don't live in color and give birth to your mind. The sound, fragrance, and dharma should not touch the mind. There should be no place to live and the mind should be born. Subhuti. For example, there is a human body like Mount Sumeru

【28】King. What do you mean? It's a big deal. Subhuti said. Very big. World Honored One. Why. The Buddha said it is not the body, but the great body.

【29】Subhuti. Like all the sand in the Ganges River. Such sand is like the Ganges River. What do you mean? These are the sands of the Ganges River. I would rather have more than anything. Subhuti said. A lot.

【30】World Honored One. But there are still countless Ganges rivers. Not to mention its sand. Subhuti. I tell you the truth now. If there is a good man. A good woman. The sands of the Ganges River are as large as three thousand in size, filled with seven treasures.

【31】Thousands of worlds. To use alms. How blessed are you? Subhuti said. A lot. World Honored One. The Buddha told Subhuti. If you are a good man. A good woman. in this sutra. Even upholding four lines of gatha and so on. for

【32】Others said. And this merit. Victory before the merit.

【33】Repeat. Subhuti. Just say it. Even four sentences of gatha. Know this. All devas and asuras in the world. All should be offered as offerings to pagodas and temples. What's more, there are people who can support it as much as possible

【34】Read and recite. Subhuti. You should know that this is the most rare and supreme way for people to achieve success. If it is where the classics are. That is to say, there is a Buddha. If you respect your disciples.

【35】At that time Subhuti spoke to the Buddha. World Honored One. What should we call this sutra? How can we support this? The Buddha told Subhuti. This sutra is called Vajra Prajnaparamita. by this name

【36】Words. You should uphold it. So what? Subhuti. The Buddha said Prajnaparamita. It is not Prajnaparamita. Subhuti. What do you mean? Tathagata has something to say. Subhuti Bai

【37】Buddha’s words. World Honored One. The Tathagata has nothing to say. Subhuti. What do you mean? All the dust particles in the three thousand worlds. Yes and no. Subhuti said. A lot. World Honored One. Subhuti. Motes of dust

【38】The Tathagata says it is not a particle of dust. It's called Mochen. The Tathagata speaks of the world. non-world. It's the world. Subhuti. What do you mean? Can we meet the Tathagata thirty-two times? No. World Honored One. what

【39】For this reason. The Tathagata talks about thirty-two phases. That is right and wrong. It’s called the Thirty-Two Phases. Subhuti. If there are good men and good women. Give as much life as the sand of the Ganges. If there is someone again. At

【40】In this sutra. Even upholding four lines of gatha and so on. Speak for others. His blessings are many.

【41】At that time Subhuti. I heard it was a sutra. Understand the meaning deeply. Weeping and crying. And white Buddha said. Hope there is a World Honored One. The Buddha said this is a profound classic. i from

【42】The wisdom gained in the past. I have never heard of such a sutra. World Honored One. If there is someone again. You must hear this sutra. Faith is pure. Then reality arises. You should know that you are a human being. There is merit in being number one.

【43】World Honored One. Is the real one. It is non-phase. This is why the Tathagata says the name is true. World Honored One. I can hear this classic now. Faith and understanding are upheld. Not difficult enough. If in the afterlife. Five hundred years later.

【44】It has sentient beings. You must hear this sutra. Faith and understanding are upheld. This person is the most rare. Why. This person has no self-image. Human appearance. The appearance of all beings. Longevity. So what? I am the same as I am

【45】Non-phase. The appearance of human beings and the appearance of living beings. That is right and wrong. Why. Away from all appearances. Then they are called Buddhas. The Buddha told Subhuti. So it is. If there is someone again. You must hear this sutra.

【46】Don’t be surprised, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid. You should know that you are a human being. Very rare. Why. Subhuti. The Tathagata speaks of the first paramita. Not the first paramita. It is called the first paramita. Subhuti

【47】Mention. The Paramita of Patience. The Tathagata says it is not the paramita of patience. Why. Subhuti. Just like I used to cut off my body for King Kali. I am here. No self-image. No one cares. No crowd