Liang Qichao

A native of Xinhui, Guangdong. The courtesy name is Zhuoru, the other is Renfu, and the nickname is Rengong. He is also known as the master of Yinbingshi, Yinbingzi, Aishike, China's new citizen, and the master of Zizizhai. Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty promoted people. In his youth, he and his teacher Kang Youwei advocated reform and reform, and were also known as "Kang Liang". He was one of the leaders of the Reform Movement of 1898 (Hundred Days of Reform) and a representative figure of the reformists in modern China. After the Revolution of 1911, he once joined Yuan Shikai's government and served as the chief justice. Later, he severely criticized Yuan Shikai's proclaimed emperor and Zhang Xun's restoration, and later joined Duan Qirui's government. He advocated the New Culture Movement and supported the May 4th Movement. He once advocated the "revolution in the poetry world" and the "revolution in the novel world" of stylistic reform. Liang Qichao engaged in a wide range of academic research and made achievements in the fields of philosophy, literature, history, classics, law, ethics, religion and other fields. His works are compiled into "The Ice Drinking Room Collection". He is good at calligraphy and regular script. He studied Ouyang Xun in his early years and later studied from Kang Youwei. He is a master of inscriptions from the Han, Wei and Six Dynasties, and has a unique appearance.

young china says

The Japanese call us China, firstly, they call it the Big Empire, and another, they call it the Big Empire. These are words that are copied from the words of Europeans and Westerners. Alas! Is it true that I am the boss in China? Ren Gong said: "Evil, what are you talking about? What are you talking about? There is a young China in my mind!"

If you want to talk about the old and young of the country, please first talk about the old and young of the people. Old people often think about the past, young people often think about the future. Thinking only about the past creates nostalgia; thinking only about the future creates hope. It’s just nostalgia, so it’s conservative; it’s just hope, so it’s aggressive. It is only conservative, so it will remain the same forever; it is only progressive, so it is new day by day. Just thinking about the past, everything is as it has been, so I know that it is the same as usual; thinking about the future, everything is as it has been, so I always dare to make exceptions.

Old people often worry a lot, while young people often like to have fun. If you are worried too much, you will be discouraged; if you are happy, you will be energetic. If you are discouraged, you will be cowardly; if you are energetic, you will be heroic. But he is cowardly, so he remains contented; but he is heroic, so he takes risks. Only by being idle can we destroy the world; only by taking risks can we create the world.

Old people are often tired of things, young people are often happy with things. But he is tired of things, so he always feels that there is nothing he can do; he is just a good thing, so he always feels that there is nothing he cannot do. The old are like the setting sun, and the young are like the morning sun; the old are like barren cattle, and the young are like tigers; the old are like monks, and the young are like chivalrous men; the old are like dictionaries, and the young are like dramatists; the old are like opium smoke, and the young are like Like splashing wine; old people are like meteorites from other planets, young people are like coral islands in the ocean; old people are like the pyramids in the Egyptian desert, young people are like the Siberian railways; old people are like willows after autumn, young people are like the willows before spring. Grass; old people are like the dead sea's stagnant water, young people are like the Yangtze River's origin. This is probably because the personalities of old people and young people are different. Ren Gong said: It is inherent in people, and it is appropriate for the country.

Ren Gong said: "It's sad, I'm the boss." A pipa woman at the head of the Xunyang River, when the bright moon circles the boat, the maple leaves rustle, and the quilt is as cold as iron, it seems like a dream but not a dream, recalling the beauty of spring flowers and autumn moon in the dust of Luoyang. In the south of the West Palace, there are white-haired palace ladies, with a lamp like a spike, sitting opposite each other, talking about the legacy of Kaiyuan and Tianbao, and composing songs of colorful clothes and feathers. The melon growers in Qingmen, facing the children on the left, looking after the children, recalling the grand event of the Hou family running away like pearls on the sea. Napoleon and his companions were exiled in Emi, and Alaf was secluded in Ceylon. Together with a few supervisors or those who came to visit, they recalled that in those days, daggers and horses galloped across the Central Plains, swept across Europe, fought bloody battles on sea towers, and shook the world with a roar. Afraid of his great achievements, he first patted the table, then caressed his forehead, and finally held the mirror. Woohoo, my face is chapped and all my teeth are gone, my hair is white, I'm slumped and old!

If this is the case, there will be no thoughts except for gloom, there will be no heaven and earth except for misery, there will be no sun and moon except for dejection, there will be no sound except for sighs, and there will be no career except for waiting for death. It's true that the beauty is a hero, but how much worse is it for an ordinary mediocre person! Relatives and friends throughout my life are all in the tombs, living and eating, waiting for others. They can pass by today, not to mention the next day, and pass by this year, let alone next year. There is no one who is more discouraged and short-tempered in the world than the boss. Is it possible for this person to desire to use the means of grabbing clouds, to achieve great achievements, and to have a spirit that transcends mountains and seas? Alas! Is it true that I am the boss in China? Today, we refer to the past, how the Tang and Yu dynasties were ruled by Zhi; how heroic the Qin Emperor and Han Martial Arts were; how prosperous the literature from the Han and Tang Dynasties was; how illustrious the martial arts between Kangxi and Qianlong were.

What historians have narrated and poets and poets have eulogized are traces of the beautiful scenery and enjoyable events of our nation’s youth! Now he is dejected and old! Five cities were cut off yesterday, and ten cities will be cut off tomorrow. Birds and mice are everywhere, and chickens and dogs are frightened every night. The land and property of eighteen provinces have become meat in people's arms; the fathers, brothers and children of four hundred trillion have become registered slaves. How can it be said that "the boss marries a merchant's wife"? Alas! Don't talk about what happened back then. I can't bear to look at the haggard time! The prisoner of Chu faced each other, looking at the shadow in a precarious state. His life was in danger, and he didn't care about the day or night. A country is a country waiting to die, and its people are people waiting to die. No matter how hard everything is done, it is no wonder that everything is done by people!

Ren Gong said: Is China the leader in fruit? This is one of the biggest problems on the planet today. As the boss, China is a country of the past, that is, there was this country on earth in the past, but now it is gradually disappearing, and its destiny in the future is almost over. If it is not the boss, then China is the country of the future. That is to say, this country did not exist on the earth in the past, but it is now becoming more and more developed, and there is a long way to go in the future. Do you want to end China as the boss today? For a young man? Therefore, we must first clarify the meaning of the word "国".

What is the husband's country? There is land and there are people. The people who live in the land govern the affairs of the land where they live, make their own laws and abide by them. There is sovereignty and there is obedience. Everyone is sovereign and everyone is obedient. If this is the case, it is called a fully established country. There has been no fully established nation on earth since hundreds of years. Those who are fully established are in the prime of life. Those who are not fully established but gradually become fully established are the things of youth. Therefore, I can sum it up in one sentence: The European countries are now a country in their prime, while China, today, is a country of young people.

In ancient times, China had the name of a country, but it did not have the shape of a country. It may be a country of families, a country of chiefs, a country of feudal lords, or a country of autocratic kings. Although they are of different types, the constitution of the country has one part but lacks another. Just like a baby from the time of embryo to adulthood, one or two organs of the body grow first, while the rest of the body, although rough, cannot be used for its purpose. Therefore, the period before Tang and Yu was the embryonic era, the Yin and Zhou dynasties were the era of nursing, and the period from Confucius to the present is the era of children. Gradually developed, and now it is about to enter the realm of teenagers and above. If it matures too late, then the people of the past dynasties have stifled its vitality. For example, it is like being sick in childhood, turning into old age, or suspecting that his death is imminent, but not knowing that it is not completed yet. It's not about the past, it's about the future.

Moreover, in the past, China had no country. It only had a court! I, the descendants of the Yellow Emperor, have lived together in clans and have been standing on this earth for thousands of years. If you ask what the name of their country is, there is no such thing. The so-called Tang, Yu, Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, Song, Qi, Liang, Chen, Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing are all dynasty names. The court is the private property of a family. The country is the public property of the people. The dynasty has the old and the young, the state has the old and the young. Since the dynasty and the country are different things, we cannot refer to the old and young of the dynasty as the old and young of the country. Wen, Wu, Cheng, and Kang were the youth of the Zhou Dynasty. You, Li, Huan, and Nan indicate the age of old age. Gao, Wen, Jing, and Wu were the youth of the Han Dynasty. Yuan, Ping, Huan, and Ling represent the age of old age. Since the rest of the dynasties, this has happened. It is acceptable to call him an elder of a court, but it is not allowed to be an elder of a country. A court's old man dies, just like a person's old man dies. How does it matter to what I call China? However, our China has not appeared in the world before, but now it is beginning to sprout. The world is vast and the future is vast. How beautiful my young China is!

Mazzini was the leader of the three Italian heroes. He was convicted of state affairs and fled to a foreign country. He founded a group called "Young Italy". The whole country has lofty ideals, and the clouds and fog have gathered to respond. He restored the old things and made Italy one of the great states in Europe. Italy is the largest country in Europe. Since the fall of Rome, the land has been subordinated to the Pope and the political power has been vested in Austria. It is almost so-called old and on the verge of death. And if you get a Mazini, and you can lift the whole country at a young age, what's more, we in China are actually young people! In a land of more than 400 states, with a population of more than 400 people, how could it be that there is not even one Mazhini!

There is a chapter of poems in Gong Zizhen's collection, entitled "Neng Ling Gong Shao Xing". I love reading it, and I appreciate its purpose. Our people think that they are the bosses of their country, and Siguo is the boss; our people know that they are the young people of their country, and they are young people. There is a Western proverb that says: There is a three-year-old man, and there is a hundred-year-old boy. However, the age and youth of the country are not fixed, and they actually grow and decline according to the people's mental strength. I have seen that Mazhini can make the country young, and I have seen that the officials and people of our country can make the country old. I am afraid of this.

How can I be so magnificent, rich, and graceful as a young Chinese, that the Europeans and Japanese call me the boss? Therefore, those who hold the power of the country are all old and decrepit. It’s not the eight-part essay that has been written for decades, it’s not the writing of decades in vain, it’s not the difference of decades, it’s not the salary of decades, it’s not the handbook of decades, it’s not the promise of decades, it’s not the kowtow of decades, it’s not After a few decades of peace, you will definitely not be able to get an official position or advance to a higher position. Among the hundreds of people who hold the rank of minister or above and those who hold the rank of supervisor or above, there are probably ninety-six or seven people who have unprepared facial features. If they are not blind, they are deaf, if they have trembling hands, they are lame, otherwise they will suffer from hemiplegia. . He is unable to control his eating, drinking, walking, sight, hearing, and speech. He needs three or four people to support him on the left and right to catch him. In order to survive, he wants to charge him with state affairs. How can he set up countless puppets to rule him? The world is also. Moreover, those of this generation, since their youth, no longer know where Asia and Europe are, and which dynasty the emperors of Han and Tang were, but they still think they are stubborn and corrupt and have not reached the extreme, and they will be polished off. , cultivate him, and wait until his brain has dried up, his blood vessels are clogged, his breath is dying, and he is living next to ghosts, then he will give up my 20,000 miles of mountains and rivers and 40 million lives in one fell swoop.

Alas! The boss of the empire is indeed the boss! Those of the other generation have spent decades accumulating eight-legged pieces, white folds, errands, salaries, handbooks, singing promises, kowtowing, and greetings. They have gone through countless hardships and hardships before they can obtain this red-topped flower-feathered uniform. Se, the name of Master Zhongtang, is the result of his full energy and his lifelong efforts to maintain it. Just like the beggar who picked up a gold ingot, although the thunder circled on top of his head, he still held his purse tightly with both hands. He did not care about it, did not know it, and did not hear it. If you tell them to subjugate the country and divide it, will the other side listen to it? Wu Er believed it? Even if the fruit dies and the fruit is divided, and I am seventy or eighty this year, I hope that within a year or two, foreigners will not come and robbers will not be able to afford it, I have lived a happy life. If you have no choice but to cut off the land of three provinces and two provinces in exchange for a few of my yamen, and sell three million people into slavery to redeem my old life, why not? What's the problem? Wow, today's so-called old empresses, veteran ministers, veteran generals, and veteran officials all have the means to cultivate themselves, manage their families, govern the country, and bring peace to the world. The west wind makes people grow old overnight, and all their beauty will wither and become white. Make Zai Wuchang a doctor and carry a life-promoting talisman to wish you a happy birthday. Sigh, it hurts! By taking this as my country, I will be able to live without growing old and die, and I am afraid that I will die before my age.

Ren Gong said: Those who create today's big China are the karma of China's old age; those who create the young China of the future are also the responsibility of China's young people. What is the use of that old and decayed man? The day for him to say goodbye to this world is not far away, but I, a young man, am new and have a relationship with this world. Just like the person who lives in a house, he will move to another place tomorrow, and I will enter this room today. The person who is about to move will not take care of his windows and keep his courtyard clean. It is not strange for ordinary people to have constant feelings. If I, a young man, have a great future ahead and a vast future, and if China becomes an ox, a horse, a slave, or a slave, then only my young man can handle the cruelty of the whip; if China dominates the universe and dominates the earth, it will command The honor of Gu Pan is only enjoyed by my young man. What's the deal with someone who is dying and living next to ghosts? He is indifferent to it, but it is still possible to say it; I am indifferent to it, and it is indescribable.

If the young people in the whole country become young people, then our China will be a country of the future, and its progress will be immeasurable; if the young people in the whole country will also become the boss, then our China will be a country of the past, and its collapse will be inevitable. Wait. Therefore, the responsibility today does not lie with others, but with my young man.

The wisdom of young people makes the country wise, the richness of young people makes the country rich, the strength of young people makes the country strong, the independence of young people makes the country independent, the freedom of young people makes the country free, the progress of young people makes the country progress, the young people are better than Europe, the country is better than Europe, and the young people are more powerful than the earth. , then the country is more powerful than the earth. The red sun rises at the beginning, its path is bright; the river flows out of the undercurrent, and the vast ocean flows; the hidden dragon soars into the abyss, its scales and claws fly; the milk tiger roars in the valley, and all the beasts are frightened; the eagle and falcon test its wings, and the wind and dust are sucked in; the first birth of the strange flower is revealed. Your Majesty, the officers and men have their awnings, and the sky is blue, and the earth is yellow. Even though it lasts for eternity, there are eight deserts across it; the future is like the sea, and the days to come are long. Beautiful. My young China will never grow old like the sky! How majestic, I, a Chinese boy, have no borders with my country!

"Thirty years of fame and dust, eight thousand miles of clouds and moons. Don't wait for your young head to turn gray, empty and sad!" These are the words and phrases of Yue Wumu's "Man Jiang Hong". The author has memorized it orally since he was six years old, and he still likes to recite it. It lasts forever. From now on, we have abandoned the name of "Wei Shi Ke" and call ourselves "Young People of China".

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