The epitaph of Li Zhan in the Northern Wei Dynasty, the full name of the epitaph of Li Zhan, is "The Epitaph of Confucianism and Virtue Li Sheng" and was engraved in the first month of the fifth year of the Northern Wei Dynasty (508). The epitaph is in the shape of an overturned bucket. The stone is 36.5 centimeters high and wide. Forty-three centimeters, the text is 29 centimeters high and 36.5 centimeters wide. It has 16 lines of main script and 15 characters in each line. It has a checkerboard pattern. It was unearthed in Zanhuang, Hebei Province in 2000.

The calligraphy of this book is plump and stretched, and the structure is flying and open. There are sometimes errors in the shape of the glyphs, which are probably caused by the brittle stone and the hasty carving.