We don't know how many "Li Sao Jing" in small regular script Wen Zhengming wrote in his life. Wen Zhengming wrote small regular script to the extreme. He is undoubtedly an insurmountable mountain.



Wen Zhengming's attainments in calligraphy and painting are extremely comprehensive. He is excellent in poetry, essays, calligraphy and painting. He is known as an all-rounder of the "Four Wonders". He is a master of poetry from Bai Juyi and Su Shi. He studied literature from Wu Kuan, learned calligraphy from Li Yingzhen, and studied painting from Shen Zhou. He and Shen Zhou co-founded the "Wu School". In the history of painting, together with Shen Zhou, Tang Yin and Qiu Ying, they are known as the "Four Ming Schools" ("Four Wu Schools"). In poetry, together with Zhu Yunming, Tang Yin and Xu Zhenqing, he is known as one of the "Four Talents in Wuzhong".


Wen Zhengming's first calligraphy teacher was Li Yingzhen, and later he extensively studied the famous calligraphy of previous generations. He had various attainments in seal script, official script, regular script, running script, and cursive script. He is especially good at running script and small regular script. He is gentle and vigorous, rigorous in law and vivid in mood. Although it is not powerful and powerful, it has the style of Jin and Tang calligraphy and has its own certain style. The small regular script strokes are gentle and the rhythm is gentle, which is in harmony with his painting style. He is known as "the best in the Ming Dynasty".

In the history of calligraphy, Wen Zhengming is famous for being good at all styles, especially running script and small regular script. Wang Shizhen commented in "Yiyuan Xiayan": "Wen Zhengming was famous for his small regular script all over the world, and those who touched him were Li'er. The seal script alone is not taken lightly by others, but it is also of high quality. The four-body "Thousand-Character Essay" written in it is extremely fine in regular script. It has the writing style of "Huang Ting" and "Yi Jiao", and the style is green and smooth. It can be called the jade version of "Jade Edition". "Holy Teachings", the Li Yi Miao De "Shou Chan" Samadhi, the seal script is Jinjin Yang Bingmenfeng, and the regular script has small methods, which are precious."


Wen Zhengming's calligraphy is gentle, elegant, steady and mature, strict in rules and vivid in mood. Although it is not majestic, it has the style of Jin and Tang calligraphy. His writing style is less fiery, and he often reveals a gentle and elegant atmosphere in his joyful writing.

Perhaps the ups and downs in his official career have sapped his youthful spirit, but his late blooming has made his style increasingly stable. Wen Zhengming was the leader of the Wumen School of Painting after Shen Zhou. He had many followers and disciples, forming the largest painting school in the Wumen area at that time.


Wen Zhengming's paintings are good at landscapes, orchid and bamboo, figures, flowers and other subjects, especially landscapes. In his early years, he studied under Shen Zhou, and later devoted himself to the three schools of Zhao Mengfu, Wang Meng and Wu Zhen, becoming his own style. The painting style has two aspects: thick and thin. The thick brushwork comes from Shen Zhou and Wuzhen, and is based on Zhao Mengfu's ancient wood, bamboo and stone techniques. The brushwork is vigorous and dripping, with dry brush scratches and white calligraphy, and the layers and charm can be seen in the rough slips. There is little space and depth, and the shape is regular, with edges and deformations sometimes visible. The brushwork is precise and a little jerky, showing naivety in the mastery. The colors are mostly green and heavy, with light crimson in between, showing elegance in the freshness. This line of fine-brush landscape painting is an authentic painting, with decorative, lyrical, childlike, and family-friendly characteristics, which also established the basic characteristics of the "Wu School".


Wen Zhengming is an example of Bo Fei's expertise in calligraphy. Wen Zhengming's lower regular script is the most accomplished. The main imitations are Wang Xizhi's "Huang Ting Jing", "Le Yi Lun", Zhong Yao's "Proclamation", Wang Xianzhi's "Thirteen Lines", etc. It can also be integrated into the small regular script of the Tang Dynasty to form a "warm, pure and exquisite" own style. style. 


Wen Zhengming's running script can be roughly divided into two major styles: one is the running script sketches written based on Wang Xizhi's "Preface to the Holy Religion"; the other is the large regular script written based on Huang Shangu's style. Before forming these two major styles, he also went through a stage of extensive research. Not only did he search for Wang Xizhi's dharma stickers as much as possible, but he also studied Yan Zhenqing's "Struggle for Seats", "Manuscripts of Memorials to Nephews", "Liu Zhongshi" "Tie", "Yingzhou Tie", Su Dongpo's "Qian Chibi Ode" (for this reason, the thirty-six missing words in the book were supplemented in Su style), Huang Shangu's "Jingfubo Temple Poems", "Zhuzhi Ci" and Mi Fu, The ink of Zhao Mengfu and other calligraphy masters. Sometimes, like Zhu Yunming, he can write his own poems in the style of Su, Huang, Mi and others. Of course, he did not stay at this stage. Instead, he sublated the ancient methods and finally found his own style of writing that suited his own nature.


Album pages of Wen Zhengming's "Li Sao Jing", small regular script, paper, private collection of Wu Nansheng in Hanzhai. The work is signed in the Yimao year (1555), when Wen Zhengming was 86 years old.


[Interpretation] "Li Sao Jing" Emperor Gaoyang's Miao descendant came here, and my emperor's name was Boyong. The photo of Ti Zhen was in Meng Zouxi, but Geng Yinwu came down. The emperor visited Kuiyu for the first time, and Zhaoxi gave Yu a good name: his name was Zhengzexi, and his courtesy name was Lingjun. Fenwu not only has this inner beauty, but also attaches great importance to cultivation. Hu Jiangli and Pi Zhixi were admired by Ren Qiulan. If Miyu is about to fall behind, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with him as time goes by. In the morning, the magnolias are blooming, and in the evening, the island is surrounded by wilderness. The sun and the moon are suddenly not flooded, and spring and autumn are the order of the times. But the vegetation is scattered, fearing the beauty's twilight. If you don’t strengthen your body and abandon your filth, why not change this attitude? Let's ride on the horse and gallop, come to me, Daofu, to lead the way! The purity of the three queens in the past is where the popularity lies. A mixture of peppers and mushrooms and cinnamon are nothing but tadpoles! Yao and Shun were both upright and honest. They followed the way and found their way. How can Jie and Zhou be so rampant? I can only take the shortcut and be embarrassed. But the members of the husband party are enjoying themselves, and the road is obscure and dangerous. How can I be so miserable that I am afraid of the emperor’s defeat? Suddenly running around, they came one after another, and met the former king's heel force. Tsuen did not investigate Yu Zhong's feelings, but believed in the slander and became angry. Yu Gu knew that Jianjian was a trouble, so he couldn't bear it.


【Explanation】Be able to give up. It refers to the fact that the nine heavens are regarded as righteous, but it is because of spiritual cultivation. It is said that at dusk, when it is time to come, the Qiang will change the road in the middle! When I first met Yu Cheng, I regretted running away and being with him. It's not difficult for me to say goodbye, but it hurts my spiritual cultivation. I have nine acres of orchids, and a hundred acres of iris trees. There are barbarians and jiechexi left in the border, mixed with Du Heng and Fang Zhi. I hope that the branches and leaves of Hebei are so tall and luxuriant that I will cut them down when the time comes. Even if it is withered, it will not hurt. I mourn the filth of all fragrances. Everyone is rushing forward out of greed, and they are not tired of seeking. Qiang people forgive themselves for judging others, and everyone is jealous. Suddenly galloping in pursuit, it is not Yu Xin's urgency. Lao Ranran is coming, and he is afraid that he will not be able to cultivate his reputation. Drink the dew of the magnolia in the morning, and eat the fallen chrysanthemums of autumn in the evening. Gou Yuqing believes that you can practice the key points, and it will not hurt your chin. The roots of the wood are knotted with tadpoles, and the pistils of the pistils and lili trees have fallen through. The fungus is corrected by the cinnamon and the hui is used, and the rope is tied to the genggen. I am practicing in front of my Dharma husband, which is not acceptable to the world. Although I am not a person of today, I would like to follow Peng Xian's legacy. I take a long breath to cover my tears, lamenting the hardships of people's lives. Although I am good at cultivating my hair, I will keep it in check, but I will be replaced in the morning and in the evening. He not only replaced Yu Yihui, but also applied for Yu Yihui.

There is also something good in my heart, although


[Explanation] He died nine times and still has no regrets. The spirit of resentment is so powerful that it never pays attention to the hearts of the people. All the girls were jealous of me and spread rumors that I was good at lewdness. The craftsmanship of sticking to the current customs is clever, and the mistakes can be corrected by following the rules. Carry the rope and ink on your back to chase the song, and compete with the Zhou Dynasty to save it. The depressed city is full of poverty and poverty, and I am now alone and impoverished. I would rather die and go into exile, but I can't bear to be like this. The fact that birds of prey do not flock together has been established since the past life. How can the circle be able to move around, and who can live in peace with each other if they follow different paths? Bending your heart and suppressing your will, being patient and resisting criticism. Fu Qingbai is straight forward to death, and he is strong in the past and the saints. I regret that I didn't notice the truth, and I will turn against you if I wait for a long time. Returning to my car to resume the road, I am not far behind when I am lost. The remaining horses are riding in Langao, galloping across Jiaoqiu and barely stopping. If you can't get in, you'll have to leave. If you retreat, you will restore my original service. Make lotus flowers to make clothes, gather hibiscus to make clothes. I didn't know that he was already here, but I still love him and believe in him. The taller crown is precarious, the taller crown is Lu Li. Fragrance and beauty are mixed together, but the quality of Zhao is not lost. Suddenly he looked back and looked around, looking at the four wilderness areas. Wearing colorful and complicated decorations, and beautiful and beautiful seals. Everyone enjoys their livelihood, but I only take it as a matter of course to cultivate. Even though I understand you, I haven't changed yet, so I don't have the heart to punish you. female


[Interpretation] The Chan Yuan came to me, and I applied to her Chan Yu, saying: "Gun Na was about to die, and she finally died in the wilderness of Yu. How can you, Bo Jian, be good at cultivating, and have this unique beauty?" "The wife and I are busy keeping the room full, but I am sentenced to be alone and separated and refuse to accept it." Everyone can't talk to each other, who can tell me what's going on in the room? We are friends all over the world, why should we be alone and not listen? According to the previous saint, the festival is in the middle, and the sighs are based on the heart. When Ji Yuan and Xiang were conquering the south, they focused on China and wrote poems: "Nine Bian" and "Nine Songs" were launched, and Xia Kangyu indulged himself. No matter how difficult it is to plan for the future, the five sons are in vain. Yi was promiscuous in his wanderings, and he was also good at shooting his husband and sealing the fox. The flow of solid chaos will end with its freshness, and it will be greedy for the husband and the family. The body was poured over and covered with clothes and forced into pieces, and indulged in lust but could not bear it. The days are good and entertaining, but one forgets oneself. Xia Jie always violated the rules, so he encountered disaster. After Xin's fermentation came, Yin Zong used it but it didn't last long. Tang and Yu were very respectful, and Zhou discussed the Tao without any mistakes. Promote talented people and teach them their abilities, but follow the ropes and ink without making any mistakes. The emperor is selfless, but he can't help but look at the virtues of the people. Fuwei's sages travel with lush trees, but they can only use them to get down to earth. Look ahead and look behind, and look at the people's plans. Husband, which one is not just but useful? What is not good but acceptable? I am in danger of dying, but I have not regretted it since I first saw him.

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