"Lanting Poems" volume, written by Liu Gongquan of the Tang Dynasty, silk, running script, 26.5cm in length and 365.3cm in width. Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing,

Wang Xianzhi's four-character poem is prefaced. The four-character poem was prefaced by Wang Xizhi, and the preface was circulated in the dynasties, so it is not recorded. There are too many poems and essays to be recorded in full, so now I have cut out some of the best sentences and titled them, which is also the meaning of the ancients' fragmentation. [Second] As on the right.
Since then, Wang Xizhi has had eleven people, including five characters.
Metabolism is in series, and suddenly it is in weeks. I rejoice in this dusk [spring], with gentleness and gentleness. Singing to him and dancing, different generations share the same flow. It's about bringing all the good things together and spreading them out together.
Xie An
[I] In the past, my late son had a spring outing. Qi Cixuanzhi sent Lin Qiu to teach him. There are mountains and forests, and the vastness of the original territory. The sky is almost touched, and the condensed spring flows.
Xie Wan
Gaze across Chong'a and watch the high forest. Qingluoyi [Xiu], repairing the bamboo crown. The valley stream is clear and the drums are singing. Xuanyi spits moisture, and the clouds become cloudy.
Sun Chuo
When the spring chant comes on stage, there is also a flow. I cherish the other generation of water and protect this good couple. Repair the forest, shade the marsh, and spin the Yingqiu. There are turbulent waves passing through the pond, and ripples start from the boat.
Xu Fengzhi
Bow down and wave the plain waves, raise your head and flutter the fragrant orchid. I still want to be a ghost guest, but I hope the wind will sigh forever.
Sun Tong
A vast and vast creation, all changes are on the same track. Ignorant of the same understanding, the purpose is actually different. Ping Bo luck touches, Huang Qi hides the opportunity. Whenever I look up to hope, I look forward to mountains and rivers.
Wang Binzhi
The red cliffs stand tall, and the flowers and algae reflect the forest. The waves of the Lu River float and sink.
Yuan Jiaozhi
People also have words, and if they get their meaning, they will be happy. The guests have arrived, and they are enjoying themselves. The faint sound is chanted repeatedly, and the fragrance is like orchid. Gou Qi is in unison, reverie is breaking up.
Wang Ningzhi
[Zhuang] Lang Haojin, Chaobu Yingmei. Send your heart to Xuanming, and return together after [thousands] years.
Wang Suzhi
In the old days, the taste was in the woods. Today I am traveling here, my spirit is peaceful and my heart is calm.
Wang Huizhi
I miss the mountains and rivers and forget about them. Thin and charming, the cliffs are loose and loose. The fragrance of feather fans is scented while swimming in the clear pond. The eyes and the heart are filled with joy and wonder.
Wang Fengzhi has been silent since then.
Si Xiao Yan Xiu, Linquan wash your toes. Feeling inspired by the fish and birds, Ainzi wanders quietly.
The forest is full of beauty, and the stream is exciting. The wine is heavy and light, and the wine is in my arms.
[Send] [Heart] Outside the city, it is far away. Reason and sense are one, Ming [heart] is mysterious.
Preface to a five-character poem by Sun Xinggong.
The ancients used water to describe nature, which has a purpose. If it is not water, it will be clear, and if it is water, it will be turbid. Therefore, when the bridle is shaken in the [Chao] market, the feeling of fullness and subjugation will arise; when walking leisurely in the [forest] fields, the feeling of Liao and Luo will arise. Looking up at Xi [Tang] [Ji] is far away. As I approached the chanting platform, I looked around and became pregnant. In the midst of the ambiguity, I thought about the way to play. In the evening of [spring] [the] [beginning], [秧] [on] the shore of the [South] stream, high [ridge] [thousands of] fathoms, [clear] lakes of thousands hectares, with fragrant grass on the mat, and clear [flowing] flowers in the mirror. . Observing fish and birds, all things are prosperous together, and the resources for life are smooth. So the harmony is [mellow] mash, and the harmony is enlightenment, [描] [ran] Wu. How can I feel that there are two things like Peng and Zhi? Yao [spirit] accelerates the bridle, Xuanjing moves towards the west, joy is linked to the passing of time, sadness is also [linked] to it, it goes back and forth, the new and old are exchanged, the traces of today are restored in the Ming Dynasty, the original poet's joy and good chanting It [has] [by]. There are many articles that are not recorded, but the outline is like this, and the poems are also cut and divided into four words.
Since then, Wang Xizhi has had eleven people, including four characters.
Look up at the sky and overlook the Lu waterfront. The beautiful scenery with no cliffs embodies the physics of nature. The power of good fortune is great, and all things are uneven. Although the sounds of the group are different, they are nothing but new to me.
Xie An
[Phase] I wear the same clothes as Xinjia Festival. The clouds are thin and the sun is shining, and the breeze is flying. Chun Ji [Tao] [Xuan] Mansion, [Wu] [Ruo] [You] in the Tang Dynasty. Thousands of things are mixed together, and An Fujue feels sad.
Xie Wan
[Xuan] The dark scroll is the Yin flag, and the sentence light is Shu Yangjing. The spiritual liquid is [covered] in the nine districts, and the light and fan scales are glorious. The green forest is bright and green, and the [red] flower has a new [stem]. The birds in the new moon are flying around Han, with their scales leaping [Qing] [Leng].
Sun Chuo
The flowing wind blows in Wuzhu, and the pavilion is shaded by clouds. Yingyu [Yin] Xiu [Lin], swimming in the scales and playing with the waves. Carrying a pen and falling into the clouds and algae, [Micro] words dissect the slender figure. Shi Zhen is unwilling to forget the taste in Wen Shao.
Xu Fengzhi
The clear sound resembles silk and bamboo, and the banjing and jing trees are opposite to the sparse Qi. The flying cup of water [water] is flowing happily, and the beauty is soothing.
Sun Tong
The earth is subjective to the mountains and rivers, looking up for traces of people. Back to the swamp, the middle of the pond is stirred, and the tung trees are cultivated among the bamboos and cypresses. Because of the flowing water, the cold wind [drifted] and the fallen pines fell. At this time, the birds sing in the long stream, and thousands of sounds blow.
Wang Binzhi
The fresh flowers reflect the thin forest, and the floating scales play in the clear canal. I am happy to go fishing in Sichuan, but my pride lies in the fish.
Yuan Jiaozhi
On all sides, you can see the lush trees and flowers, and overlook the Qingchuan River. [Excitement] The spring flows with fragrant mash, and your tired heart is scattered. Looking up to the people's track, the legacy is good and playable. The ancients chanted "Wu Yu", [today] the same is true [sigh].
Wang Ningzhi
The smoke is soft and the fan is blowing, and the atmosphere is peaceful and pure. Driving words and time (a word is missing here), Xiaoyao Yingtongjin.
Wang Suzhi
Happy travels, bright and clear mind. Chanting Linqu Lai, green waves turn to plain scales.
Wang Huizhi
[First] [Master] has Mingzang, and he uses Ji Shiluo. □□□□□, □Qi Ji Mountains and Rivers.
Since then, Xi Tan has been followed by twelve people, and he has no words.
□The wind rises from the east□, and [wind]□□□. [End][Sitting]□□□, □Talk about traveling in the suburbs.
The gods dispersed in the universe, forming waves in Liangjin. □Chang [Xu] [moment] joy, I still want to taste the ancients.
Sun Si
□The rock is full of comfort, and when it comes to the current, it’s strange to think about it. □□□□ Absolute, lingering fragrance for thousands of years.
Cao Maozhi
Who will not cherish it in the future? It will be scattered among the mountains and rivers. I still want to be a foreign guest, so I have plenty of time.
Warburg Pincus
[Wish] Different people can travel and untie the knot in Haoliang. You can be rampant as you please, wandering without any homeland.
Wei Pang
The three springs are peaceful and everything is in harmony. After the Ming Dynasty, I was happy with the time and peace, and my words reflected the clear waves. The sound of Qi Qi's virtue is smooth, and it is left behind in the world. Wangyan is ashamed to take off his clothes, and Linchuan is grateful to take off his pole.
Xie Yi
Let the drink go as you please, and the echoes will shine on your scales. In the same dynasty for thousands of years, [bathing] in the pure dust of pottery.
Yu Yun
[Look up] Think about the empty boat and sigh at the guests in the world. Although it says "Happiness" in the morning, it has its own reasons for the evil in the evening.
Huan Wei
□□□□□, [should] send [things] to you. Xuanni Aoyi [Jin], the king of the heart of the gods. Several sons expressed their ambitions, and they once sang wonderful songs. Today, I am happy to travel, but I am also feeling sad [smooth].
Wang Xuanzhi
Pines and bamboos tower over the mysterious cliffs, and clear streams surge through the secluded streams. The emotions are scattered, the wine is full of wine, and the worries are stagnant.
Wang Yun
The scattered emotions and aspirations are smooth, and the dust and tassels are suddenly donated. I chant and bow to the fragrance left behind, and my sense of tranquility is profound.
Wang Huanzhi
Come and go leisurely, covered with brown legs. Go beyond traces and practice alone.
(Note: The words within [ ] indicate that the original ink is incomplete)

  This piece has no stamp.
At the front of the volume, there is a cursive inscription written by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, "Bi Jian Yi Type", signed "The Fourth of the Eight Pillars of Orchid Pavilion", and a paragraph of inscription. There is also a thin gold inscription inscribed with "Poems of the Sages in the Public Letter of Liu Gongquan of the Tang Dynasty". At the back of the volume are Song Xing Tianchong, Yang Xifu, Xi Zhi, Cai Xiang (later added), Li Chuyi , Sun Danian, Wang Yi, Huang Bosi (pseudo), Song Shi, Jin Wang Wanqing, Ming Wang Shizhen (two sections), Mo Shilong, Wenjia, Zhang Fengyi, Qing Wang Hongxu and others wrote inscriptions and inscriptions.
The collection seals of the Song Dynasty include "Yu Shu", "Shuanglong", "Xuanhe", "Zhenghe", "Neifu Books", "Fenghua Treasures", "Neifu Shuyin", and "Ruisi East Pavilion" (above) Jun Puppet), as well as "Shaoxing" in the Song Dynasty, "Qiao Zhenchengshi" and "Ke Jiusi" (Jun Mo Seal) in the Yuan Dynasty, Wang Shizhen in the Ming Dynasty, Gao Shiqi, Wang Hongxu and Qianlong's imperial seals in the Qing Dynasty. This book is written by Liu Gongquan and contains 37 poems and prefaces written by the participants when Wang Xizhi, Xie An, Sun Chuo and others gathered at Lanting, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province on March 3, the ninth year of Yonghe reign of Emperor Mu of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (353).
Some of the inscriptions and postscripts after the poems are authentic and some are forgeries. The inscriptions and postscripts after the Ming Dynasty are all original. The inscriptions and postscripts before the Ming Dynasty, except for Cai Xiang and Huang Bosi, are all authentic, but they are all later additions and have nothing to do with this volume.
The writing style in this volume is stiff and rough, with many sharp edges, but it is more natural and easy. At the back of the volume, Huang Bosi from the Song Dynasty wrote a (pseudo) title at the end of the book that says "Biography of Liu Shu". Upon closer inspection, the use of certain characters clearly does not come from Liu Shu, such as: the word "Xi" in Sun Tong's four-character poem, the word "Xi" in "Yu You " The last strokes of the word "ze" in the poem and the word "zu" in Wang Huanzhi's four-character poem are very ugly, and the structures of the characters are often unstable and impetuous. "Comparison of the inscriptions and postscripts after "Not only are the writing styles different, but the connections are not the same at all. From the perspective of poems and texts, there are quite some inaccuracies. For example, Sun Chuo's four-character poem "Huai Bi is cutting wood" was "Cutting wood" is a Chinese word in "The Book of Songs", and mistakenly written as "Huai Bi Dai Shui", and Xie An's four-character poem "Yixi Confucius" was mistakenly written as "Yixi". First son". "Master" refers to Confucius, which shows that the writer is a person who is not proficient in writing and calligraphy. Regardless of whether it is analyzed from the perspective of artistic characteristics or artistic level, this volume is definitely not written by Liu Gongquan.
This volume is not a copy as late as the Song Dynasty. It can be seen from the 37 recorded poems that some words do not avoid Song taboos, such as the word "Xuan" in Xie An's poem "Qi Ci Xuan Zhi, send him to Lin Qiu", and Wang Suzhi's poem "Jia Hui Xin Shi Yu, Huo" The word "Lang" in "Long and smooth mind" does not avoid the taboo of Zhao Xuanlang, the first emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty. Judging from the main style of calligraphy, it is speculated that it was written in the Tang Dynasty. It is roughly similar to Du Mu's ink calligraphy "Zhang Haohao Shijuan", and it is written in a straight letter, not an imitation. As an ancient manuscript of the Tang Dynasty, this volume has the same literary value as the "Selected Works of Lu Ji Dangexing and Other Fragments" (B. 2554) and the "Second Fragment of Yutai New Odes" (B. 2503) among the Dunhuang posthumous works . .
Song's "Baozhang Waiting for Visits", Ming's "Dongtu Xuanlan", "Qinghe Calligraphy and Painting Boat", "Qinghe's Seeing and Hearing Table", Qing's "Coral Net Book Certificate", "Shigutang Calligraphy and Painting Collection", "Daguanlu", Recorded in "Shiqu Baoji·Sequel" and "Shiqu Essays".
(Writer: Li Yanxia)