In the ancient "Juyan" area of ​​the Ejina River Basin in northern Gansu, more than tens of thousands of bamboo slips were recovered during several excavations in 1930, 1972-1976 and 1986. In ancient times, the Juyan area was a place where troops were stationed in farming areas, so the contents of the slips cover various aspects such as politics, military affairs, and daily life. Because it is a daily practical document, it can be written casually and freely, and its calligraphy shows a relaxed and straightforward meaning.

  Juyan's Han bamboo slips are mostly from the Han Dynasty, so the calligraphy style is basically official script Zhangcao. In terms of glyphs, some have neat fonts and rigorous structure, which have the charm of the Eastern Han Dynasty; some are light and elegant, brilliant and colorful. , seems to be the teaching text of "Yi Ying"; some are honest, simple, dignified and elegant, quite similar to the style of the later "Zhang Qian".


Chronicle of Juyan
     In the fourth month of the fourth year of Yongguang, in the ninth month of the fifth year, the garrison soldiers broke and injured the ox cart going in and out of Bo.
     In October of the second year of Jianzhao, in the ninth month of the third year of the reign of Emperor Jianzhao, the records of official reception
     In the first month of the first year of Jingning, the wife of an official entered the customs and registered
     In April of the fifth year of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the government issued a book on ritual distribution.
     Since May of the second year of Hongjia, officials have been meeting with officials.