All books must be clumsy rather than skillful. To learn books, one must have moral principles in mind and learn widely from the sages and philosophers. Scholars and officials can do a lot of things in life, but they must not be vulgar, and vulgarity cannot be cured.

The regular script should be like a fast horse entering the battle, and the cursive script should be left and right. This is the beauty of the ancients. Although calligraphy is a clumsy workmanship, it requires a skilled hand with years of experience, a leisurely mind and a light mind, so that it can only penetrate the ears.

The calligraphy can return to its original purpose without evasion or trickery, which is the ultimate attainment. The Eight Methods of Yongzi only require people to make horizontal lines horizontally and vertical ears vertically. The book must be solid but empty. However, seeking emptiness must be based on reality. There is no book that cannot penetrate the paper but can be separated from the paper. The book should have subtle thoughts and great courage. The subtle ones are organized in the words, and the big ones are beyond the words.

Li Beihai's "General Yunhui" embodies strange changes in the rules. Yan Pingyuan's "General Pei" hides the method of division in Fenqi. "Mrs. Linghu's Epitaph" has twists and turns, and every gleam can be seen. For the sake of learning running calligraphy, the stone script is a good monument, and the penmanship is also useful.

When learning calligraphy for the first time, you don’t need to spend too much time on ink. Take a rare book of ancient calligraphy and read it carefully and familiarize yourself with it. After you have read it, memorize the calligraphy and search for it. Learn and think, think and learn. If you have a pattern in your mind, then pick up your pen and pursue it. It seems that I understand it in my heart but cannot understand it in my hands. I study and think again, think and revise again, and then I get two or three of them. After I get four or five of them, I write continuously to expand their quantity.

Wang Bian Baiyun style, Ou Bian Youjun style, Liu Bian Ouyang style, Yong Zen master, Chu Suiliang, Yan Zhenqing, Li Yong, Yu Shinan, etc., also obtained the calligraphy method, and later they all changed their own styles to pass on to future generations. Name, if the law enforcement does not change, even if you can dig into the stone, you will be called a calligrapher slave, and you will never be a self-reliant body. This is the main point of calligraphy.

This paragraph of Shi Yaqi's essay emphasizes a word change, but the premise is that the book must be clear. The clear call is not to imitate blindly, but to integrate and understand, learn for oneself, use the clear as the basis, and integrate the sublimated parts of your own understanding. , forming one's own face and having individual characteristics, this is change.

A book must have spirit, energy, bones, flesh, and blood. If all five are missing, it will not be a book. If you want to learn these five styles of calligraphy, you must first copy them. They must be famous pens of ancient people. Put them on a few tables, hang them on the right side of the table, watch them day and night, think about the principles of using the pens, and then you can copy them. It is easiest to copy the calligraphy. Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty said: "The king is lying in the paper, and Xu Yan is sitting under the pen."

The mastery of art is not connected with the spirit at the beginning. This description can be found in Changli's "Preface to Sending Gao Xian". Sun Guoting said: "When writing at one time, some are good and some are harmonious. If they are combined, they will be charming, and if they are good, they will be sparse. The spirit will be leisurely and busy. The first combination is a feeling of benefit and knowledge. The second combination is a harmonious and moist atmosphere. The third combination is also , paper and ink are in contact with each other, the four combinations are, and the occasional desire to write, the five combinations, the heart is sudden and the body is left, one is good, the mind is contrary to the situation, the second is, the wind is dry and the sun is burning, the third is, the paper and ink do not match, The four good ones are lazy and careless, and the five good ones are good. When the good ones are combined, the good and the bad are different from each other."

When copying, one must focus on one family, and then make an overview of each family. Naturally, the mind will be fertile, the wrists will be mature, and over time, the vision will be broad, the ambition will be profound, and the strengths of others will be considered as one's own, so that one can reach the state of being a group.

I have seen that those who study Ou and Liu today have all their flesh removed, and those who study Zhao and Dong all have their bones removed. I don’t know that many of the thundering elites of Ou Liu and those who are Fengshen have meat in their bones. Zhao, Dong Zhibingxue is smart and has a lot of old energy. The old and energetic people have bones in their flesh. Those who are determined to come to the pond should use their discerning eyes to distinguish them.