Eastern Han Dynasty official script inscription. The seal on the stone tablet is inscribed "Han Renming, the official of the Han Dynasty, heard that Xi was the chief". It was established in Xingyang in the fourth year of Xiping. In the fifth year of Jin Zhengda's reign, it was discovered by Li Tianyi, the magistrate of Xingyang County. It was lost for a time during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, but was later rediscovered and moved to the Xingyang County Office. The stone stele has been broken, and only the upper section is preserved. "Inscriptions and Stone Collection" records: The stone is six feet nine inches high and three feet eight inches wide. There are eight lines of characters, and nineteen characters are stored in each line. The calligraphy is "exquisite and elegant, as clear as copper and jade, and should not be looked down upon." Weng Fanggang's "Inscriptions on Metal and Stone of the Two Han Dynasties" said the seal forehead of this stele: "The length of the cross is determined by the situation, and Wang Xuzhou said that it is irregular and square." , so the rows are dense. This and the forehead of "Zhang Qian Stele" are the most popular seal scripts of Han Dynasty." The rubbings handed down from ancient times are old ones with the words "Wei Zhujun Wei Jing" and other words intact. Deguzhai has a brick copy, which is easy to identify.