"Guizhaitie", now in the collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing, album page, length 31cm, width 27.5cm, running script, 9 lines, 140 characters.
"Every man in your noble house is planning to serve, please change your official uniform. Yesterday, Dongfeng was required to obtain a copy of his family history, and he was required to report the imperial edict to Qingguan. How to dispatch this person before he has been examined. It is also for Regarding Zhuangzi's affairs, I have asked the monk to settle down in the three colleges and have been going back and forth there recently. This village is very good when I first saw it, but there are few people to take care of it. If there is no goods, I can collect the class rent. It is also a long-term plan. I don't know what the elegance is. Yes. The Hou relatives also said that it was a pity that they had to give up. Jianzhong (monogram) consulted. Liu Xiucai has been in the imperial examination hall for a long time, and he was released from Luozhong. Now he is traveling to the west and wants to be the master of the Hou Palace. Xiluo meets him. "
  "Consultation" is a kind of official document. In the Song Dynasty, all officials in the Song Dynasty used the word "zhuang" (zhuang) to report matters. Only the bachelor's college used advisory reports, which were signed by the bachelor on duty. "Guizhaitie" is such a message. The article mainly talks about three things: first, it talks about matters related to "Dongfeng", which refers to Song Zhenzong's trip to worship Mount Tai in the first year of Dazhong Xiangfu (1008); then talk about "Zhuangzi Matters"; finally, mention As for "Liu Xiucai", this person may be Li Jianzhong's son-in-law Liu Zhongmo in "Tong Nian Tie".
"Guizhai Tie" was written when Li Jianzhong was 64 years old. His calligraphy style is calm and simple, and has his unique artistic beauty of "a handsome style and even bones and flesh". Later in the post, Liu Risheng of the Ming Dynasty wrote a seven-character poem, saying that the Jianzhong Book contains the laws of Zhong Yao and Wang Xi, which are enough for later scholars to follow. This post was once collected by Xiang Yuanbian and has many seals.
It is recorded in the Ming Dynasty Wang Keyu's "Coral Net Book and Postscript", Yu Fengqing's "Yu Family's Calligraphy and Painting Notes", Wu Qizhen's "Wu Family's Calligraphy and Painting Notes", Qing Bian Yongyu's "Shigutang Calligraphy and Painting Collection", Gu Fu's "Life is Spectacular" and other books.