Fan Zhongyan's "Praise for Taoist Clothing" is in small regular script, paper, hand scroll, 34.8cm in length, 47.9cm in width, 8 lines in regular script.

The back paper has inscriptions and postscripts by Wen Tong, Wu Lili, Dai Meng, Liu Guan, Hu Zhu, Liu Kui, Dai Ren, Sima Gao, Wu Kuan and others. Seals from the collection: "Gaoyang Book", "Shouguo Gongshu Seal", "Eastern Han Dynasty Taiwei's Jijiu Jiaxue", "Sixteenth Sun Lord Feng Yousheng's Collection of Books", "Huaizhou Junkang Ji" and many other sources , in addition to the seals of Qingbiao and Anqi of Liang Dynasty of Qing Dynasty, and the seals of Qianlong, Jiaqing and Xuantong Neifu of Qing Dynasty.


This book of praise includes "Iron Coral", "Qinghe Calligraphy and Painting Boat", "Qinghe Seeing and Hearing List", "Shigutang Calligraphy and Painting Collection", "Life Spectacular", "Daguanlu", "Moyuan Collection", "Shiqu Baoji Chu" "Compiled" and other books. It is engraved with the clear text "Tingyun Pavilion Tie" of Zhengming Dynasty, "Sanxitang Dharma Tie" of Qianlong Dynasty and other dharma stickers. It was once collected by Fan's Yizhuang in the Song Dynasty, Anqi in the Qing Dynasty, Neifu in the Qing Dynasty, and was collected by Zhang Boju, a recent relative.

Explanation: Taoist praise and preface

Brother Xu, secretary of Pinghai, wears Taoist uniforms, so his mind is clear and his body is cleansed. In the same year, Fan Zhongyan asked for praise:

Taoists are fashionable and their clothes are beautiful. A gentleman obeys it, and he is free and happy. The white room can be lived in. In the Garden of Huagu, you can use martial arts. Is there no blue and purple? Pampering is an insult to the master. How could there not be foxes and raccoon dogs? Their arrogance would bring disaster to the government. Respect this like a teacher, fear others like a tiger. The grandson of Jingyang has no dissatisfaction with his ancestors.

Behind the model script is Wen Tong's cursive script inscription and postscript:

The Xi (text) "Tao (Fu Zan)" refers to this (or Bi) part. The text is correct and the diction is as good as serving someone, which makes people both happy and awe-inspiring. Renzi Mengxia Bingyin of Xining, the guardian of Lingyang lived in Pingyun Pavilion, and the stone chamber text is the same as Ke.

Wen Tong was the governor of Lingzhou at this time and lived in the state office on Kuao'ao Mountain in Renshou County.

Fan Zhongyan's handwritten "Ode to Taoist Service" was purchased and preserved by the patriotic Mr. Zhang Boju with 110 taels of gold, and was donated to the country in the 1950s as a national treasure. There is another story behind Mr. Zhang’s collection of this national treasure. The Praise for Taoism, which leaked out from the puppet Manchu court, was originally purchased by Jin Bosheng, the owner of Wenwen Zhai in Liulichang. One day he showed it to Zhang Boju. As soon as he saw "Taoist Praise", Zhang Boju's eyes lit up. This is a hand scroll, written by Fan Zhongyan in the same year as Xu Xidao, with an orderly preface and neat regular script. There are also many famous inscriptions and postscripts from the Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties, which are endless. This is because Fan Wenzhenggong was a famous official in the Song Dynasty. He is especially famous for his "Yueyang Tower" and his moral articles are admired by people. As for his calligraphy, it is also unique. His predecessors called it "the pen is fine and thin, and it is derived from ancient methods." Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, it is indeed true. Zhang Boju's expression was clearly seen by Jin Bosheng, and he knew something about it. Uncle Zhang fell in love with this calligraphy and was about to make a fortune. Therefore, when Zhang Boju asked him the price, he immediately opened his mouth and offered 120 taels of gold, and finally the deal was made for 110 taels. Afterwards, Mr. Zhang knew that he had been stabbed by Jin, but when he saw such a national treasure, he recognized it.


[1] Fan Zhongyan of the Song Dynasty wrote the book, praised the Taoist uniforms, and prefaced it; Pinghai Secretary Xu Xiong made the Taoist uniforms, so his meaning was clear and his body was cleansed. In the same year, Fan Zhongyan asked for praise and said: Taoists are fashionable and their clothes are beautiful. A gentleman obeys it;

【2】Xiaoyao is with. The white room can be lived in. In the Garden of Huagu, you can use martial arts. Is there no blue and purple? Pampering is an insult to the master. How could there not be foxes and raccoon dogs? Their arrogance would bring disaster to the government. Respect this like a teacher, fear others like a tiger. The grandson of Jingyang has no dissatisfaction with his ancestors. Hidobibu borrowed instructions.