The full name is "Beauty Dong's Epitaph". Engraved in the 17th year of Kaihuang's reign in the Sui Dynasty (AD 597), the original stone was unearthed in Xi'an, Shaanxi during the Jiaqing and Daoguang years of the Qing Dynasty. It was acquired by Shanghai Lu Junqing when he was an official in Shaanxi Xingping, and returned to Shanghai Xu Weiren. In the third year of Xianfeng (AD 1853), during the peasant uprising war of Shanghai Xiaodao Society, the original stone was destroyed. Xu's rubbings are rarely circulated, and the unearthed initial rubbings are particularly rare. The selected books on this site are Beijing Library, Peking University Collection, Mitsui Bunko of Japan, and Xu Weiren's rubbings.

The author of "Epitaph of Dong Meiren" is Yang Xiu, King of Shu, the third son of Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty. Dong Meiren was his beloved concubine. She died of illness at the age of nineteen. Yang Xiu wrote an article to express his condolences.

Sui people's calligraphy inherited the calligraphy style of the Northern Wei Dynasty and started a new trend in the Tang Dynasty. It was the link between the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the Tang Dynasty. "Dong Meiren's Epitaph" is said to be the best among Sui's epitaphs in small regular script. The first of its kind. The layout of his calligraphy is straight and clear, neat and meticulous, the characters are respectful and rigorous, the bones are beautiful and the muscles are strong, and the brushwork is vigorous and subtle, pure and elegant. Judging from the appearance of the font, the regular script is pure and free of official meaning. It is completely different from the small regular script of the Jin people and the epitaphs of the Northern Dynasties. However, in part, you can see the square outside and round inside, the gorgeous and strong brushstrokes, giving people a clear and refreshing feeling. Unexpected feeling. Luo Zhenyu of the Qing Dynasty spoke highly of it: "Kaifa was the most popular in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. In modern times, it was spread from the Sui Dynasty to "Dong Meiren", "Wei's daughter", and "Zhang Guinan", which are especially known as "unparalleled achievements". , can dispel dust and tackiness.

Appreciation of works:


Appendix: Epitaph of Beauty Dong
The beautiful woman's surname is Dong Bianzhou, a native of Shiyi County. She is also the son of Buddha, the governor of Qi Liangzhou, Dunren Qia, and has a reputation as a rural father, a descendant, a suave hero, and a heroic voice. She has a beautiful body, a leisurely and beautiful nature, and a graceful and respectful nature. The beautiful dragons, the phoenixes, the pavilions, the beautiful orchids in the courtyard, and the orchids and flowers are coming. There is an accident in the Yilu Palace. The beams and platforms are shaking, and the rings are shaking in the fragrant forest. The clear moon reflected in the lotus mirror in the pond, the beautiful fragrance drifting in my eyes, the wind rustling in the train, the meandering wind blowing the flowers back to the snow. In February of the seventeenth year of the founding of the Emperor, I felt ill until the fourteenth day of the seventh month, Wuzi finally came to Renshou Palace on the mountain. There was a time when the medicine of Emperor Jiunong failed to save the life of Qin doctor Laojun. His spiritual disciples were expected to complain about the Yaohua. Suddenly the carving was injured and the Guirui was destroyed. Last year, he was buried in Longshou Yuanji on October 12th of that year. In the desolate Longlong, the deep night is vast, the old love is buried in the heavy spring, and the lingering beauty is in Xuan* (Tusui). But the stirrups are set up, and the gods see the fantasy, and the art of writing is played. say
The unique balcony in the Gaotang Dynasty has pitiful flowers, fragrant flowers, rosy clouds, distant sky waves, shocked Luopu, Zhimao, Qiongtian, sighs, and the sun is still flying with the rivers and rivers, solitary and lonely, sleeping with the same heart, only sleeping in the wind, sorrow, icy cold, tearful pillow, long and dark, no spring. The servant girl has fallen, the old lady is in the dust, the past is new, the present is old, the new is new, the heart is still thinking, no one has gone, the flower bed is enjoying the company, now is the autumn night, missing people, hiding in the clouds Yiyiquan Road is Xiaoxiao, white poplars are isolated, the mountain is quiet, pines are sparse, and the moon is cool* (the soil is above the soil and the heart is below). This is passed down from the jade box. Yu Fang Wei was the seventeenth year of the founding of the emperor. It was Ding Mao, tenth month, Jia Chen and Shuo, the twelfth day of Yi Mao, Shangzhu Guoyi. Prefectural administration belongs to the royal system