Deng Shiru's "Xunzi You Zui Pian" scroll, Qing Dynasty, paper, seal script, 117 cm in length and 74 cm in width. This work records the chapter "Xunzi You Zui".

Deng Shiru's seal script has many aspects. In the early days, he adhered to the ancient method. After his middle age, he broke through the traditional jade chopstick style and incorporated the characteristics of epigraphic inscriptions and official script brushwork. It has a graceful, round, free and easy style. This is a masterpiece of Deng Shiru's early seal script, which was deeply influenced by Qin's "Yishan Stele" and Tang Li Yangbing's seal script. It belongs to the traditional jade chopstick seal script category. The strokes are even, thin and round, with a slight sharp edge at the end of the stroke. The structure is rigorous and the style is clear and handsome.


When Confucius looked at the temple of Duke Huan of Lu, there was a teapot. Ask the guardian: What kind of weapon is this? He said: This is the utensil for sitting on. Confucius said: I heard that the sitting utensil is empty when it is empty, when it is in the middle it is upright, and when it is full it is overturned. The wise ruler considers it a great warning, so he always places it on the side of the seat. Gu said to his disciple: "Try to pour water." When the water is poured in, it will be healthy if it is medium, and it will be full if it is full. The master sighed and said: "It's a show!" There are things that are full but not overfilled. Zi Lujin said: Do you dare to ask whether Zhiman has the Way? Confucius said: If you are wise and wise, keep it with foolishness; if your achievements are popular in the world, keep them with surrender; if you are brave enough to inspire the world, keep them with timidity; if you are rich all over the world, keep them with humility, this is the so-called way of losing and losing again. Mr. Yizhai is a book. Deng Yan.