Mi Fu's "Dechen Tie", paper, cursive script, 25.4 cm in length and 78.6 cm in width
Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei.

On May 4th, Fu Qi: Meng Shu is Wei (comfort), and the taste is clear and comfortable. Lian is a poor country, and Mr. Lin must be able to speak. When he saw this, he had not stopped yet. His hoofs were too wet to swallow the boat. The Min family lived across the sea, and there were many tourists. There were often ten generations of people seeking a temple. The temple was full, and Lin was also in the temple. Lai is ten miles from the sea to the land, and he has sent a letter to answer his request. If he can find something, he can reach the sea by force. This boat will reach the sea in three days. If the imperial bandits live in a country with insufficient resources, is this a sign that a wise man wants to leave? hehe! It is a common thing for a scholar to be poor and happy. It is unpredictable at any time, so it is better to make a decision and leave. It's like a courtesy. Fu paused. Your Excellency Ge Jundechen.

This post is a letter to Ge Dechen.
Ge Dechen is suspected to be Ge Fan, and the meaning of his name is similar to that of Ge Fan. He is the eldest brother of Ge Yun and Ge Zao. In Zhou Mi's "Yun Yan Guo Yan Lu", after the poems of monk Xuedou collected by Wang Zicai, there are inscriptions and postscripts by "Mi Fu of Xiangyang" and "Ge Fan, a layman of Helin".
Ge Fan, also known as Helin layman, was a native of Dantu and the eldest son of a good heir. The official of Chongning came to Linying to take charge of the book, and he moved to Zhenjiang to guard it.
At this time, Dechen was afraid that he was in Runzhou and wanted to serve in Laizhou, so Mi Fu told him to go and practice the law.
"Lin Jun" should refer to Lin Xi, one of the sons from Fuzhou, so he was called "Fujian Shi". Lin was dismissed as Privy Council and left to guard Bozhou in April of the first year of Yuanfu. In September of the same year, he transferred to Hangzhou. It is suspected that he paid a special visit to Lianshui at that time.
Lin Xi, courtesy name Zizhong, was born in Fuqing, Fuzhou and was named Gaizi. In the second year of Jiayou's reign, he became a Jinshi. Emperor Shenzong of the Tongzhi Dynasty sent an envoy to Gaoli to the Taichang Liyuan, hoping to hear the order but fearing the appearance. Shenzongshu is responsible for supervising the store affairs of Hangzhou Building. When Shaosheng first learned about Chengdu Prefecture, under Daoque, Zhang Dun stayed as a member of Zhongshushe and compiled the records of Shenzong. At that time, he introduced the Ming Dynasty, deposed Yuan You and all the ministers, and hoped that they would all prepare their plans secretly. Since Sima Guang, Lu Gongzhu, Lu Dafang, Liu Zhi and dozens of other people, they all hoped to do it, which is extremely ugly and slanderous. , readers lamented. Huizong died at the age of sixty-seven, with the posthumous title Wenjie and a posthumous title of Bachelor of Zizheng Palace. There are twenty-one volumes of teachings from two dynasties.
"Liezi·Tianrui": "Zi Liezi lives in Zhengpu, and the people are ignorant... The country is not enough, so he will marry (go) to the Wei." The two sentences "Yu Kou" use this code.
This post was written on May 4th, the second year of Yuanfu, less than a month before the end of the year, so there is a saying of "want to leave". 
When Mi Fu was in charge of the Lianshui Army, he encountered drought and floods. All the local fields were submerged, and many of the roads leading to the lake and port were blocked by filling to prevent drought and save farmland. However, after the floods, the landowners only cared about their own interests and still did not clear up the water. As a result, the low-lying areas were left with accumulated water that could not be discharged, causing great trouble. In his letters to his bosses or peers, Mi Fu expressed his deep feelings of injustice about what he saw on the field. This was the external reason why Mi Fu wanted to leave. The environment in Lianshui was dangerous and there were frequent droughts and floods.
Mi Fu "retired in his ordinary life, and if he couldn't do anything", although he was "outspoken and meticulous when he was an official", his hobbies in his life were only in Jiang Feng Shan Yue, and stone inkstone calligraphy and painting, and he became a maniac. Return to old ways. The epitaph does not make any secret about this, saying that "times also go beyond the law and give up, and there are those who are great enough." This is a true record. When he was in the Lianshui Army, Mi Fu once incurred the dissatisfaction of his superiors because of his "good rocks and wasteful things". He may have resigned because of this, and he only served for two years.

Art appreciation:
This is one of Mi Fu's famous "Nine Cursive Scripts" and one of the representative works of his mature calligraphy style in his later years.
From the beginning to the end of this post, the charm is very smooth, the writing is flying, full of joy and no scruples, and the stippling is full of fun. At first glance, it appears that it is "not bound at all", leaning left and right, and its body is unrestrained. Read carefully, but at the same time, the words are in harmony with each other. The words change with the momentum of the composition. The writing is wild but not unruly. The lifting and pressing of buttons are precise and precise. The up and down spirit flows smoothly and has a strong sense of rhythm. Compared with his works, this post has a strong sense of rhythm. It has the charm of the Wei and Jin Dynasties. The writing style is round and subtle, with a seal character. The rhythm is also relatively gentle, and the spirit is leisurely and calm, so it can be arranged at will, which is wonderful and natural.
This post is one of Mi Fu's masterpieces. Although some characters between the eighth and fifteenth lines are slightly smaller, in general, whether it is the font structure, mapping relationship, thickness or overall feeling, they are all A rare piece of good writing. In terms of single words, there are some repeated words in this post. Let’s see how Mi Fu makes changes:
Lin: "Lin" Jun and Man "Lin". The former seems lazy and careless when writing. The last long point is connected with Jun's first stroke, and the writing style is more extravagant; Jin, in fact, is too restrained.
Temple: "Temple" courtyard and in "Temple". The "Temple" in the former is stiffer. When the second horizontal stroke and the third horizontal stroke are connected, the lower hook is used to connect it, which enhances the sharpness of the word. The last point is connected to the vertical hook, making people focus on the visual focus. Here, the strokes of the word "Temple" in the latter are thick and full, but not soft and weak. Compared with the former, the strokes of the latter are compacted together. Unless there is a need for change, it is best not to write the word "Temple" like this. Because it will make the words breathless.
Hai: pan "sea", go to "sea", to "sea" and "sea" locust. The four "sea" characters each have their own posture due to their different positions. The first "hai" is wide at the top and tight at the bottom. The "every" on the right is tilted downward to the left, light at the top and heavy at the bottom. Among the four "hai" characters, only this one has a vertical hook exposed, and the entire "hai" character forms an inverted triangle; In the second word "海", the "every" on the right side is slightly raised, which is also lighter at the top and heavier at the bottom. However, this character can be regarded as ordinary regular script because there is no big change in posture; the third character "海" is slightly smaller. , the strokes are thick and not obvious, showing a round body. The edge of the word "水" and the lower half of "every" are a little blurry, but the ink rhyme of this character is still good; the fourth word "海" is slightly square. , this character has a characteristic, that is, the horizontal stroke in the middle of "sea" is roughly drawn to the right. It is rare to use such force on small grass.
Qiu: "Qiu" Menguan and Ying "Qiu". There is not a big difference between these two words. Only in the vertical hook part, the former has to lift the hook lightly before lifting the hook.
Neng: must "neng", "neng" capacity and suave "neng". The structure of the first "neng" character and the second "neng" character are similar from the left half, but the right half is slightly different. The first "neng" character is more compact, and the second "neng" character stretches downward, with a vertical When it is taken down and then connected down, the lines are all round and have no corners. The first character "neng" has corners; the third character "neng" is not as exciting as the first two characters, the thickness is more consistent, and it looks plain.
Zhou: Swallow "zhou" and this "zhou". These two characters are written in completely different ways. The former has thin and straight lines, with a sharp upward hook when the vertical hook is added, and the horizontal strokes are also carried over with a thick pen, becoming the center of gravity of the characters; the latter is small and round, with a sharp upward stroke. The short stroke is left to the right, and the horizontal stroke is carried out along the way. I feel that the re-reflection of the character is connected with each other, and the former emphasizes the posture.
Ye: "ye" in the poor country, "ye" in the temple and "ye" in the temple. The first "ye" character is round and soft, with mostly directional strokes; the first stroke of the second "ye" is not formed in one stroke when the hook comes in, it goes down first and then inward, and then pauses to make the hook stronger; The first character "ye" is exaggerated compared to the first and second characters, the hook is retracted inward, and the last stroke is extended upward to make it clearer. The second character is the best.