Because there are seven Buddha statues engraved on the head of the stele, it is also called the "Preface to the Sacred Teachings of Seven Buddhas". In the third year of Xianheng (672), it was built at Hongfu Temple in Chang'an, the capital. "The Preface to the Holy Teachings of the Tripitaka" was written by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty in recognition of Master Xuanzang who went to various countries in the Western Regions to obtain Buddhist scriptures and translated the essential texts of the Tripitaka after returning to China. Prince Li Zhi (Gaozong) also wrote the appendix, Zhuge used his magic power to cut the stone, and Zhu Jingzang engraved the words. The stele is 9.4 feet high and 4.2 feet wide. There are 30 lines in total, ranging from more than 80 words per line. Now the Forest of Steles in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province.

For the "Ji Wang" category, the "Preface to the Holy Religion" is the first to be recommended. The inscriptions on the stele were collected and collected by Huairen over a period of 25 years, borrowed from the original works of Wang Xi stored in the inner palace, so they are highly regarded by the world. The inscriptions on the stele are selected from various inscriptions written by Wang Wangxi, such as Zhi, Qu, or, Qun, Ran, Lin, Huai, Jiang, Feng, Lang, Shi, Chong, You, Tuo, Wei, Lan, Shi, Ji, etc., all taken from " "Lanting Preface". Due to Huairen's profound attainments and rigorous attitude towards calligraphy, the stipples on this stele are vigorous, ups and downs, and subtle, fully embodying the characteristics and charm of Wang's calligraphy, achieving a natural position, orderly organization, peace and simplicity. realm. "Of course, this method of collecting characters also has considerable limitations. For example, there are few changes in repeated characters, and the structure of characters combined with radicals lacks echo. Since this monument, collections of characters written by Wang Xizhi or other great calligraphers have been used for inscriptions. Others continue to appear, such as the "Xingfu Temple Stele" collected by Monk Daya, and the "New Translation of the Diamond Sutra" prefaced by Tang Xuan, all of which are excellent works, but "The Preface to the Sacred Teachings of Wang Xi" is still the most successful.

King Shu of the Qing Dynasty once said that this monument had Tang inscriptions, but it has not been spread. The stele was discontinued after the Song Dynasty. As time went by, the strokes became thinner and thinner, and were later removed. There are many imitations and engravings in the past dynasties. There are many surviving Song rubbings. Among the Song rubbings passed down from generation to generation, there is the Mo Huang edition, which is now in the collection of the Tianjin Art Museum; the Ming Dynasty Liu Zhengzong collection, which is now in the Shaanxi Museum; the entire Song rubbing was discovered in the stone crevices of the Forest of Steles in Xi'an in 1972; others are in the collection of Guo Shangxian, etc.; all are photocopied by our company World.

"Huairen Collection of Wang Xizhi's Preface" is a reflection of the Tang people's respect for Wang Xizhi's calligraphy. It is also the most successful and influential of the many collections of Wang Xizhi's calligraphy inscriptions.

Interpretation: Preface to the Holy Teachings of the Tripitaka of the Tang Dynasty

Emperor Taizongwen's system

The collection of Shamen Huairen in Hongfu Temple.

Written by Wang Xizhi, the right general of Jin Dynasty.

Gai heard that Eryi had an image. It is clearly reproduced to contain life. The four seasons are invisible. Submerge the cold and heat to transform things. This is a way to get a glimpse of the sky and the earth. All fools know the truth. Ming Yin and Dong Yang. There are so many wise men and women. However. Heaven and earth are just like yin and yang, which are easy to recognize. Because it has an image. Yin and Yang are between heaven and earth. And those who are hard to be poor. Because it is invisible. Therefore, we know that the image is obvious but subtle. Even if you are stupid, you can't. The shape is so strange. In Wise Man Fan. It’s even more so than Buddhism. Advocate for emptiness, take advantage of tranquility, and control silence. Hongji Wanpin. Dian Yu ten directions. The powerful spirit is supreme. Suppress the divine power without any inferiority. If it is big, it will fill the universe. The smallest details are captured within a millimeter. There is no death and no birth. It has lasted through thousands of calamities but never became ancient. Hidden and revealed. Wish you good luck and longevity. The wonderful way condenses the mystery. If you follow it, you won’t know what’s going on. Dharma flows in silence. If you look at it, you can't fathom its source. Therefore, we know that stupidity is common stupidity. Merely mediocre. Its purpose is interesting. No doubt about it. Then the rise of great religions. Based on Western soil. Teng Hanting and bright dreams. Showing kindness to the east city. In the past. When fractals are separated. Words come true before they are spoken. Be present in the ordinary world. The people admire virtue and know its emptiness. It's almost as if the dark shadow has returned to its original state. Moving rituals across the world. The golden face conceals the color. Do not mirror the light of three thousand. Li Xiang opened the picture. The four or eight signs of empty end. So the whispers were spread widely. Zhenghan is classified into three ways. The legacy of Xia Xuan. Daoqun was born in ten places. However, the true religion is difficult to believe. No one can return to his purpose and follow the music easily. Ye Zheng Yu Yan. The theory that points are empty. Or custom but not. The multiplication of size. Sometimes it is harmonious and ups and downs. There is Master Xuanzang. The leader of the Dharma sect. Young and virtuous. Realize the three emptiness early. A long-lasting expression. Start the journey of the Four Ninjas. Pine feng shui moon. Not as good as Tsinghua University. Fairy Pearl. It can be bright and smooth. Therefore, wisdom leads to no fatigue. Unpredictable. Beyond the six dusts and standing apart, there is no right for the ages. Concentrate on the inner environment. It's sad that the rectification of the Dharma is delayed. Live in Xuanmen. The profound absurdity of the text. Thoughts and desires are divided. Expressing the truth and hearing it before. Cut off the false and preserve the true. Learn from Kaizi. This is the pure land of Qiaoxin. Dharma travels to the Western Regions. Take advantage of danger and move forward. The stick (?) policy is a solitary certificate. The snow is flying in the morning. Lost ground on the way. The sand is rising at dusk. Out of nowhere. Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. The clouds are pushed aside and the shadows come in. Hundreds of cold and heat. Skip to the frost and rain and move forward. Sincerity values ​​work more than requests. Deep Hongda Zhou. You Xiyu has been in the country for seven years. Poor Li Daobang. Ask for Orthodoxy. Two forests and eight waters. Tasteful dining style. Deer, Vulture Peak. Look at the strange and admire the strange. Inherit the words from the ancestors. Receive true teachings from the wise. Explore the wonderful door. Excellent career. One ride on the road of five jins. Racing in the heart. Eight Treasures and Three Cases. Waves in the sea. Love comes from the countries I have experienced. General Tripitaka's essential text. Fan six hundred and fifty-seven. Translated by Bu Zhongxia. Promote winning karma. Introducing loving clouds to the extreme west. Note that the rain of Dharma falls in the east. The holy religion is missing but compounded. The common people sin and return blessings. Dry flames in a house of wet fire. Let’s get rid of the lost path together. The faint waves of the bright and beautiful water. Reaching the other shore together. It is knowledge. Evil karma falls. Goodness rises through fate. Now the end of the fall. Only people trust you. The wall is not covered with osmanthus and the mountain is high. Only the clouds and dew can bring out the flowers. The lotus comes out of Lubo. Flying dust cannot stain its leaves. Non-lotus nature is self-purifying. And the essence of cinnamon is pure. Those who are attached to fertile land are high. Then the tiny things cannot be tired. What you rely on is pure. Then the turbid kind cannot be stained. The husband is ignorant of plants and trees. Good things come from good things. What's more? Human ethics and knowledge. Not to celebrate but to seek celebration. Fang Yi now has Liushi. The sun and the moon will be endless. Sifu Xiafu and the universe are forever great. I just want to thank Guizhang. Say shame Boda. As for the inner canon. Especially not idle. The preface was made yesterday. Painted as despicable. I am afraid that the calligraphy and ink will be stained on the gold slips. Mark the rubble in the forest. Suddenly I got a book. Absolute praise. Think carefully. Mi Gai is shameless. Goodness is not enough, thank you for your hard work. The emperor described Tripitaka in the erotic palace. Holy records.

I want to promote orthodox teachings, but I can’t spread my literature without wisdom. Advocate for subtle words. No one but a wise man can determine his purpose. Gaizhen is like a saint. Xuanzong of all laws. It belongs to the Sutras. Comprehensive and far-reaching. The purpose is profound. Extremely empty and subtle. The secret of physical decline. The words are luxuriant and the road is broad. Those who seek it do not investigate its source. The text is clear and secluded. Those who follow it are unpredictable. Therefore, I know that the Holy Mercy has been adopted. Without good deeds, there is no attainment. Wonderful application. The fate is not evil but not bad. Open the law and outline the rules and regulations. Promote the orthodox teaching of the Six Perfections. Zheng Qun was in trouble. This is the secret of the Tripitaka. The name flies without wings. The Tao has no roots but is eternal. Tao celebrities celebrate. The calendar is ancient and the town is constant. Go to the induction body. Immortal through the tribulation of earthly existence. Morning bell and evening bell. Give two notes to Jiufeng. The flow of wisdom. Turn the two wheels on the deer leaf. Empty the treasure cover. Connect with the flying clouds and fly together. Zhuangye Chunlin. Combined with smallpox.

His Majesty Emperor Fu Wei. Shangxuan Zifu. The arch is used to control the eight desolations. Germany was defeated by Qianli. He gathers his ribs and heads toward all nations. Engage and rotten bones. The stone chamber belongs to Baye's writing. Refreshing insects . A verse about the flow of the Brahma in the Golden Chamber. Then he sent Ah (He Sha) to reach the water. The Eight Rivers of Tongshen Xun. Qijue Mountain. Connecting to the green ridge of Songhua. Stealing one's nature and virtue into silence. The elk returns to his heart but cannot understand. Wisdom and mystery. The feeling is sincere and obvious. Isn't it called a dark night? The light of candle and torch. The dynasty of the burning house. The rain of Dharma falls on the lake. So hundreds of rivers flowed in different directions. Together in the sea. Different definitions. The overall result is real. How can we compare the pros and cons with Tang Wu? Yao and Shun were more holy and virtuous than him. Master Xuanzang. Su Huai Cong Ling. Determined to simplify things. The year of Shenqing and discord. Get out of the glitzy world. Make a room with your feelings. Hiding in the dark rock. Inhabit three Zen. Touring ten places, transcending the six realms of dust. Alone in Jiawei. Understand the purpose of one vehicle. Randomizer. With the lack of quality of China. Searching for the true text of India. Journey far across the Ganges River. The final word is full. Frequently climb snow ridges. I even got half a pearl. Asked about the law. Seven out of ten years. Prepare the interpretation code. Focus on profit. Consecrated on September 6, the 19th year of Zhenguan.

  Ordered by Hongfu Temple. Translated 657 sacred texts. Lead the flow of law from the sea. Cleaning up the dust and working hard without exhausting it. The long flame of the lamp of wisdom. Bright and dark but ever bright. It's not a long -term success. Why show this purpose? The so-called Dharma is permanent. Qi San Guang Zhi Ming.

  My emperor is blessed. The solidity of the same two rituals. Fushimi imperial control. Preface to the Sutras. From the past to the present. The sound of reason contains gold and stone. The text embraces the wind and clouds. Treat it with light dust and foot mountains. Falling dew adds to the flow. Give a brief outline. Thought this was recorded.

  There is no talent or learning to treat the disease. Not sexually intelligent. Various texts in the inner canon. Didn't even watch it. Preface to the argument. Despicable and complex. Suddenly I saw a letter. Praise and praise. Reflect on yourself. Ashamed and terrified. I have worked hard to get to the far end. Deeply ashamed.

On August 3rd, the 22nd year of Zhenguan, the palace was visited.

Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra

Translated by the imperial edict of Shaman Xuanzang

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. I have been practicing deep Prajnaparamita for a long time. See that the five aggregates are all empty. Overcome all hardships. Relics. Color is not empty. Empty has no different colors. Form is emptiness. Emptiness is form. The same goes for feeling, thinking and doing. Relics. All dharmas are empty. Neither birth nor death. Not dirty, not clean, neither increasing nor decreasing. It is in the sky. Colorless. No thoughts, no thoughts, no knowledge. No eyes , ears, nose, tongue, body or mind. Colorless sound, fragrance and touch. No vision. Even the unconscious realm. There is no ignorance. There is no end to ignorance either. Even without old age and death. There is no old age and death. Wu Ku Ji Ruan Dao. There is no wisdom and no gain. To gain nothing. Bodhisattva. According to Prajna Paramita. The heart is innocent. There is no reason for this. There is no terror. Stay away from upside -down dreams. Ultimate nirvana. Buddhas of the three generations. According to Prajna Paramita. Obtain Anuttara Samyak Sam Bodhi. Therefore, we know Prajna Paramita. It's the Great God Mantra. This is the Great Ming Mantra and the Supreme Mantra. It's a curse without waiting. Able to eliminate all pain. It's true. To say the Prajnaparamita mantra is to say the mantra

  Reveal the Emperor, Reveal the Emperor, Prajna Reveal the Emperor, Prajna Reveal the Emperor, Bodhi Sengshaha

  Prajna Heart Sutra

The Crown Prince, Tai Fu, Shangshu Zuo Pu, shot the Duke of Yan at Zhining.

Zhongshu ordered the founder of Nanyang County to come to Ji

Xu Jingzong, the founding father of Gaoyang County, Minister of Rites

Xue Yuanchao, the minister of Huangmen and his concubine

Li Yifu, the minister of the Shou Zhongshu and his concubine on the right, and others

imperial edict

On December 8, the third year of Xianheng, the capital was established by the Dharma couple.

Wen Linlang Zhuge's magical power to pull the stone

Engraved by Wuqi Lieutenant Zhu Jingzang