1. In the early days, you could buy calligraphy practice books for primary school students that were similar to "drawing red". Each model calligraphy was covered with a thin layer of white paper, so you could see it clearly and you could slowly trace it one stroke at a time. You can also open it while writing to see how your writing is different from the model words and how you can improve them. Write one to three articles every day, no more required. But you must persist, and you must complete quantitative tasks every day. You cannot fish for three days and dry the net for two days.


2. Choose appropriate calligraphy copybooks. Among calligraphy copybooks, there are some that are strict and strict, and some that are open and unrestrained. Everyone's different personalities lead to different hobbies. The same copybook also differs from person to person. A person with a bold and exposed personality often doesn't stick to pointillism when writing, and likes to write large cursive scripts. Although it is free and smooth, it lacks legality and is as rough as heavenly writing. An introverted and deep person often likes to write neat and beautiful formal script, but when writing running script, he pays too much attention to the fineness of stipples and finds it difficult to get rid of the rigid and rigid writing habit. Therefore, the first step is to select copybooks of various styles and types and then determine the object of your specialization. In the process of learning, changing the copybooks according to your own characteristics is the second step.

3. Be good at thinking and writing. It is important to learn calligraphy and practice hard for a long time. You should also be good at using your brain. Otherwise, the written words will only have form but no spirit. We must also overcome the shortcomings of not liking to meditate and practice, being distracted when facing copybooks, only knowing about crazy things, not knowing the rules, and just fluttering when picking up a pen. Only by studying hard and practicing hard and being good at using your brain can you write good calligraphy.