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Zhu Yunming's "Four Poems by Cao Zhi on Cursive Hand Scroll"

This is the four poems of Wei Caozhi's Yuefu in cursive script. The stipples are messy and the lines are brilliant. They are the culmination of the wild cursive writing in his later years.


Place the wine in the high hall and make friends with me. The Chinese kitchen prepares sumptuous meals, cooks sheep and slaughters fattened cattle.
Qin Zheng is so generous, Qi Se is gentle and gentle. Yang'a played a wonderful dance, and Jingluo became famous.
I enjoyed drinking with the three nobles, and slowly brought shame to the common people. The host is praised for his longevity, and the guest is rewarded for thousands of years.
Don't forget it for a long time, especially for the end. A humble gentleman, what do you want from Qingzhe?
The wind blows in the daytime, and the scenery flows westward. The prosperous times will never come again, and a hundred years will pass away suddenly.
Living in a luxurious house, scattered back to the hills. Who among our ancestors will not die? How can we worry if we know our destiny?

Beauty Chapter

The beautiful lady is idle, picking mulberry trees on the crossroads. The soft branches are rising, and the fallen leaves are fluttering.
The bare hands are visible on the sleeves, and the bright wrists are about to have golden rings. He has a golden hairpin on his head and a jade-colored bandana on his waist.
Pearls are intertwined with jade bodies, and corals are intertwined with trees. Luo Yi is fluttering, and the light skirt is returned with the wind.
Gu Pan's legacy is glorious, and his roar is like an orchid. Travelers use their rest to drive, and those who take a break forget to eat.
I would like to ask my daughter to live in peace, which is at the south end of the city. The brothel faces the main road and has a high gate with many gates.
Rong Hua shines in the morning, who doesn't want to be beautiful? Where does the matchmaker camp? Jade and silk are always safe.
Beautiful women admire high righteousness, but it is difficult to find virtuous people alone. Everyone is moaning and groaning, do you know what they are seeing?
When I was in my room in my prime years, I got up in the middle of the night and sighed.

White Horse Chapter

The white horse is decorated with golden restraints and gallops northwestward. May I ask who's son is You Bingyou Xia'er?
When I was young, I went to the countryside and raised my voice in the desert. In the past, there was a good bow, but the arrows were uneven.
The one who controls the string and breaks the left side will destroy the moon branch with his right hair. He raises his hand to catch the flying scorpion and bends down to scatter the horse's hooves.
He is as cunning as a monkey and as brave as a leopard. There are many policemen in border towns, and Hu Miao is moving frequently.
Yu Xi came from the north and rode up the high embankment. Long drive to the Xiongnu, left Gu Ling Xianbei.
Abandoning one's body at the edge of the edge, can one's life be safe? If parents don't care, how can they talk about children and wives?
The name belongs to a strong man, and he must not be selfish. Sacrificing one's life to go to the country's disaster, seeing death as a sudden return home.

Famous Capital Chapter 

There are many witches in the world, and there are young men in Beijing and Luo. The sword is worth a thousand gold, and the clothes are beautiful and fresh.
On the east suburban road of Fighting Cock, you can walk between horses and catalpa trees. Halfway through the gallop, two rabbits passed me.
With the bow in hand and the sound of dysprosium, he drove up the Nanshan Mountain. The left pull is due to the right hair, and the two birds are connected in one vertical position.
Before Yu Qiao could show it, he raised his hand to catch the flying kite. Viewers praise it as good,