"Caojue Baiyunge" was written by Daoheng of the Ming and Han Dynasties in the 41st year of Wanli (AD 1613). "Caojue Baiyunge" collects the more popular cursive characters, finds out certain patterns in their structures and strokes, and compiles them into five-character and one-sentence rhymes to facilitate memory. For example, the words that are difficult to distinguish are listed together and the difference is pointed out. The third line "a square with a bit means water, and an empty mark means words." This means that the difference between the cursive word "water" and the word "yan" is only that "water" "" has one point, while "yan" is just one stroke; another example is to explain the structural characteristics of a certain cursive character.

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 ◎Caojue Baiyunge Song·Anonymous (760 words)
  The grass saint is the most difficult, but the dragon and snake are very good at writing. Although you want to distinguish even a hair's breadth, your body posture must be completed. A little bit is water, but an empty pick is just words.
  The hijab has no left side, and the crotch lacks the east side. I know the difference between long and short, and I look at each moment in a daze. When I walk, I watch the cows lead my feet, and I am ashamed to see the sheep trampling the fields.
  The six hands are suitable for gifts, and the seven red ones are Yuan. Ten Zhu Zhizhu serve themselves, and three people speak for themselves. The left Fu Beiding is reversed, and the right knife is slightly bent.
  The heads were the same, but the bodies were the same. Gu Chutong is similar, and spear softness is always the same. Picking up the grievance and taking it close, Xizhao looks in front of his eyes.
  Sihui's fish is like a painting, and his hand is like a year. Not only to guard against good fortune, but also to be more cautious in connecting. Ning Naifan is Yu Shu, and Hou Xi is not diminished by Zhan.
  The photograph says that the general belongs to Yi, and a certain jujube is borrowed to spin. It's really hard to separate the poem "Wei Fu", but it's not easy to read "Shuo Bang". If you have an evil heart, it is a sign that you will wear a headless strider.
  A little bit of anxiety can turn into a comet, but if you are hooked, you will think it is humble. The country minister got it casually and loved chiseling and Kuiquan. The first part of jade is martial arts, and the first point of jade is elixir.
  The hoof number should be in accordance with the law, and the cloud abuse should not be passed down. Stealing thoughts and feet are the same, and Xiong Xian's body seems to be the same. The head rarely changes, and the soldiers form a double alliance.
  Don't write "Bao" for protection, don't write "Green" for fate. If you treat the rope like wax, don't think that having a few people is enough. That is, the feet are as if they are afraid, and they move around the body.
  There is an image in the cold sky, and the constitution and harm are related to each other. The outside world is still full of knowledge and preparation, and the early days of medicine are still kind and firm. It must be explained clearly and carefully, and it must be combined with the other branches.
  When the hawk starts to strike at the ox, the chicken must strike first. Leaving aside right and wrong, a village can be built by hooking a tree. Xiao Shu distinguishes with his head first, and Yin Bin pushes with his belly.
  Don't teach everyone to make vows, don't let Yong leave. When you are drunk and broken, you are walking around, when Liqin first rises. If you are rejected, you should remember it to yourself, and friends should be aware of it.
  Suddenly I was surprised that Liu Ru was right. The fou always seemed to be hanging down. It is true that there is no chance of greed, but the retreat of the city is still uneven. It is never a mistake to reduce and destroy, and it is not easy to chase after the party hall.
  Longevity is good, Gui and Ke are good, teeth can only be remembered by adding Si. The moon on the right is different, and the moon on the left is the same. Lift the body to Yiwei, and use the north to ascend the body.
  The road to the left is like a borrowed word, and there is no deviation from it. Cao Gou Tian counter-celebrates, Yi Jiu sticks to others and flies away. But at the end of the day, when I was worried about summer, I met my younger brother Yi.
  Gaohua's feet are pre-applied, but they are dependent on each other. Or set it up in advance, and put a mourning quilt on top to say goodbye. Rui Yuyuan seemed to be vague and refused to be caught.
  The tree of ignorance has many branches, and the treasure in the chest is not the same. The only way to know the people is to rely on the clan, and to start and use the short term. If you are worried and forced to come close, don't take a peep when approaching.
  Zhai Qi Zeng did not compare, and he was also obsessed with it. If you want to know the high horse, you need to know Si Ji'er. There are no mistakes in the temple, and the pen in the nest is thinking.
  The Zhang's side is slightly curved, and the sun's side is not silky. It is often kept straight and useless, and there is no need to cover it when it is dense. The detailed notes are written by Caiban, and the water source looks at Yongquan.
  Cambodia is the same as the east but different, and the government is like an insult but also partial. Just next to Cheng Hui, hooking up the cards and making a fence. The female Huaidan is the mother, and the old man discarded it and turned it into skin.
  If it is said that the same thing is shallow, it must be taught as a teacher. Turtles and turtles are of the same kind, while tea and chrysanthemums are related to each other. If you don't make it as pure as transformation, your contribution will always be as good as your body.
  It's easy to get confused when you show off your clothes, and your house seems to be next to you. The Taoist weapon is unpredictable, but it is full of ethics. If the market increases a little, the warehouse will be able to share with others.
  How dense is the number of emotions? It is said that the sweetness and potential are even. Although solid, it prevents dream slips, but it combines with itself to determine floating and pure. It's lucky to add a cart of oxen, and you'll have three points of confidence.
  Change the subject and talk about modern style, but Cao is very different from his roots. It is said in the past that Tang Tongyan always thought of filial piety as if he were alive. You can't mess around if you sweep, but you can invade with Peng and Fu.
  How old the world is, Xie Heng is shallow and deep. Hops are divided into water and grass, and skills are released into other branches. The lovely neighbor Guo is the best place to talk to your friend Zhan.
  I realize that the shape and whiskers are similar, the body is complete and the spirit is complete, it can penetrate the liver and viscera, and the writing can reveal the mystery.


Page 1: Caojue Baiyunge (title)
The grass saint is the most difficult, the dragon and the snake are competing for the best. Although you want to differentiate, the body posture must be completed.
The four sentences under the title are one poem and five unique poems. The first sentence says that it is difficult to write cursive script, but it is even harder to write good cursive script. The second sentence talks about the form of cursive script. Cursive script expresses the most vivid images and realms in the art of calligraphy in the most charming abstract form. Cursive writing is like a dragon leaping over the heavenly gate, a tiger crouching in the phoenix palace, or a snake jumping into the grass. . . . . . All of this is expressed powerfully in the cursive hand. The third sentence says that there must be rules for writing cursive characters, which is the so-called "a slight difference is a thousand miles away." A slight difference is two different cursive characters. The length of the stroke can also change a cursive character, but these have their own judgments. Method, and more importantly, the fourth sentence, that is, the quality of cursive writing depends on its posture. The posture must be perfect, which is what we often call momentum. If the momentum is not good, no matter how good the writing technique is, it will not be a good work.
Page 2: (1) A little bit is water; (2) An empty pick is just words;
(3) There is no left side of Miantou; (4) The east side of the palace is surrounded by horses;
(5) Know the difference between long and short; (6) Look at every moment with a faint sense of confusion.
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The first sentence: There is a point on the top, and a vertical pick on the bottom is by the water at three o'clock;
Second sentence: The vertical painting is drawn to the right, but it is next to the words
The third sentence: The sound of Bao Hijab is soft. When writing Bao Hijab, there is no need to write the point on the left;
The fourth sentence: "辵" is pronounced as "chuo", and it means "around" and "around". When writing "Zai Zhi", you only need to twist it vertically on the left and right;
The fifth sentence: The two characters "zhi" and "go" are very similar, but the difference lies in the length of the last horizontal stroke. The long one means "knowledge" and the short one means "go";
Sentence 6: Whenever the words "安" and "安" are similar, you should pay attention to the differences between the two words.
Page 3: (1) Watching the cow step by step leads to the foot; this sentence talks about the writing method of the word "step": first write the cow, and at the end of the stroke, turn to the lower left;
(2) Being ashamed to see sheep trampling on the field: This sentence talks about how to write the word "shame": write the word "sheep" first, then write the word "field" at the bottom;
(3) The six hands should be "Zhen": This sentence talks about the way to write the word "Zhen": write six at the top, and write hand at the bottom of the pen [in the "Three-Character Classic of Cao Jue" compiled by me, it is "Liu ShuZhen");
(4) Qi Hong is Yuan: This sentence talks about the writing method of the word "Yuan": write Qi at the top, and red at the bottom of the pen ["Cao Jue Three Character Classic" is "Qi Hong Yuan"];
(5) Ten Zhu Zhi Fengji: This sentence talks about the way of writing the word "Feng": write ten at the top and Zhu at the bottom. The second stroke of ten is the same as the first stroke of Zhu. ["Cao Jue Three Character Classic" is "十" Zhu Feng〃〕;
(6) Sankou Yanxuan: This sentence talks about the writing method of the word "yan": write three at the top, and write 口 in continuous strokes at the bottom ["Three Words in Cao Jue" is "三口语"].
Page 4: (1) Zuofubeding reverse: This sentence talks about the writing method next to the left ear and the back word: just write the word "D" backwards;
(2) The right knife is bent at a point of "inch": This sentence refers to the writing method next to the right knife and the word "inch": the upper part is a point, the lower part is a horizontal folding hook;
(3) Zeng Chai’s head is the same: This sentence talks about the common points of the characters “Zeng” and “Cha”, that is, the upper part is written in the same way;
(4) Gui Zhen Tong Guan: The right half of the two characters "Gui" and "Zhen" are written in the same way;
(5) The two characters "Gu" and "倆" are very similar, with the same writing method on the left side and a slight difference on the right side;
(6) Spear Rou is generally average: there is only a slight difference between the words "spear" and "soft".
Page 5: (1) Cai Yue is close to the body: "円" sounds the same, and the two characters "Cai" and "円" are written almost the same, with the same head but a little different body;
(2) Looking at Xizhao: Take a good look at the words "Xi" and "Zhao". What's the difference? The difference is on the upper left side
(3) Si Hui Yu Ru Hua: "Si", "Hui" and "Yu" have the same parts as the word "Hua", but they can be quite different, so pay attention to the difference;
(4) Hehu's hand resembles the year: the characters "禾", "hu", "hand" and the character "year" are also similar, only the first and second strokes are the same, and the last few strokes are different;
(5) To prevent good fortune from passing away from ancient times: Do not write the word "吉" as the word "古", the difference between the two characters lies in the middle part;
(6) Be careful when writing "Da" and "Lian", as the middle part of them is written differently.
Page 6: (1) Ning Nai is complicated by Shu: The character "Ning" is not much different from the character "Shu", except that the first stroke of writing the character "Ning" requires an extra right hook, which seems a little more complicated;
(2) Hou Xi does not reduce Zhan: writing the word "Hou" is not easier than the word "Zhan", it is just a stroke of writing;
(3) The two words "Zheng" and "Photo" are similar to each other on the right side, but there are differences on the left side;
(4) A certain date is borrowed from the word "Lai": the characters "some" and "date" are borrowed from the word "来";
(5) It’s really hard to tell the difference between “wei” and “fu”: the two words “wei” and “fu” are written almost the same, but there are differences if you look closely;
(6) How easy is it to read Shuobang? The characters "Shuo" and "Bang" are written in the same way. Can they be read thoroughly?
Page 7: (1) Chang closes useless straight: The last stroke of the word "Chan" does not need to be drawn vertically, just dot it;
(2) No need for (cotton) on secret: that is, writing the word "secret" does not require writing the treasure hijab;
(3) Caiban’s detailed notes and ultimatums: The word “PIA” in the characters “jian” and “牒” can be placed next to the word “Pian”;
(4) Shuiyuan looks at Yongquan: write the characters "Yong" and "Quan", the character "水" is the root, both characters contain the character "水", but the prefixes are different;
(5) Cambodia is the same as the East but different: Obviously, the difference between the words "Cambodian" and "East" can be seen at a glance;
(6) Fu is like the word "humiliation", but it is also biased: Although the word "Fu" looks like the word "humiliation", it is still different and biased.
Page 8: (1) Cai next to Gan Cheng Hui: To write the word "Hui", just write "Cai" first and then write the word "Qian" on the right side;
(2) Hook up the plate and Cambodian to make 阑: This is the way to write the word "阑": first horizontally and then hook (the common writing method for doors), and then write the word "昑" below;
(3) Xiangqing can be obtained casually: As long as you know how to write the word "口", the two characters "xiang" and "qing" can be easily obtained. Please note that these three characters are Yi Ming characters;
(4) Ai Chi and Kui Quan: The two characters "爱" and "炷" are Yi Ming characters, but they are easy to distinguish. "爱" plus the prefix "人" is the word "炷";
(5) When the jade comes out, it becomes martial: when the word "yu" comes out, it becomes the character "武";
(6) The dot of Qian title is Dan: the word "Qian" plus a dot is the word "Dan".
Page 9: (1) The hoof number should be correct: the words "hoof" and "hao" are somewhat similar at first glance, but they are completely different upon closer inspection;
(2) Is there no biography of Yun Shu: "Yun" and "Shu" are also easy to mix up, with the head being the same and the feet being different;
(3) The foot of "Steal" and "Yi" are written in the same way, and the bottom of the word "心" can be written in the same way as "一";
(4) Xiong Xianshen seems like: "Xiong", "Xian" and "Ran" are also words that are easy to confuse, so pay attention to the differences;
(5) The lower part of the word "矣" and the character "Qi" are the same, but the heads are different;
(6) Binggongzu double couplet: The lower part of the characters "bing" and "gong" are written in the same way, and the bottom of the character "eight" can be written like this.
Page 10: (1) Do not write Bao Yongshou: Do not write the word "Bao" instead of the word "Shou". The two characters have the same head but very different feet;
(2) Don’t write that green means Yuan: "Green" and "Yuan" are also words that are easy to confuse. Pay attention to the writing of the lower half of the right side of these two characters;
(3) Treat rope as wax: Do not write the word "rope" as the word " wax". The left and right sides of the two characters are similar, but the writing methods are different;
(4) Don’t think that being widowed means being wide: “Widow” and “Kuan” are words that are easy to confuse, and the two characters have different characters;
(5) Ji's foot is like fear: "Ji" and "fear" have the same prefix, but the feet are different, "Ji"'s foot is a point, and "Ji"'s foot is "one";
(6) Qian near Huanshen: The words "Huan" and "Qian" are very different, only the middle part is slightly similar.
Page 11: (1) Hanrong Shen has an image: "Han", "Rong" and "Shen" are similar only in their heads and feet. The third strokes of "Rong" and "Shen" are the same, and the rest of the writing methods are different. Same;
(2) Xian Hu Zhi (zhi) is related to each other: the writing methods of "Xian", "Hu" and "Zhi" have similarities and differences, so pay attention to the differences;
(3) Manwai still knows Bei: "Man" and "Bei" are words that are easy to confuse. These two words can be written the same, but when applying, it is best to use different writing methods;
(4) Medical primary school advocates Lei Jian: "Yi" and "Jian" have an inverted "pin" structure. The upper right side is simple and unified, and the left side is rarely written in a unified way;
(5) Zhi Xu Ming Jin Jie: To put it bluntly, you must understand that the writing methods of "Jin" and "Jie" are similar on the right side but absolutely different on the left side;
(6) Also combined with Bie Jingqian: The words "Bie", "Jing" and "Qian" all have the word "刂" next to them, and their methods are the same, no matter what.
Page 12: (1) Hao Xiang Ge Niu Shi: To write the left side of the character "颢", write "ge" first and then "niu";
(2) The chicken must lay down first: when writing the word "chicken", write "下" first and "子" next;
(3) Leaving aside what is not is the word "wear": adding "zhi" to the bottom of the sentence is not the word "wear"! A little more;
(4) Hooking wood can become a village: the way to write the word "village" is: add hooking to "wood";
(5) Distinguish Xiao Shu’s head first: “Xiao” and “rat” are easily confused words, and their heads are different;
(6) Yinbi belly push: "Yin" and "bi" are also easy to mix up, and the difference is in the middle part.
Page 13: (1) Add the word "evil" to the top of the heart: The way to write the word "evil": write the word "zhi" first, and then add the word "heart" at the bottom;
(2) Zhaodai Mantougui: The way to write the word "gui": the upper part is the upper body of the character "无", and the lower part is the lower body of the character "Miao";
(3) Dianzhi can become urgent: the way to write the word "ji" is: a little above, and "zhi" at the bottom;
(4) Hooking up stems means being humble: the way to write the word "base" is as follows: a horizontal hook on the top and "gan" on the bottom;
(5) Shou Yi Gui and Ke: A way of writing the character "Shou": write the character "Gui" at the top, and write the lower half of the character "Ke" in continuous strokes;
(6) Ji Ji Zhi plus Si: The writing method of the word "Chi": the top is "Zhi" and the bottom is "Si".
Page 14: (1) How is the moon in Youyi different? The writing next to the right ear is similar to the writing of "month";
(2) Zuo Fangcai is also: "cai" can be written next to "Fang" on the left, but note: some words cannot be used, such as the word "Shi". If written with "cai", it will become the word "Dou"!
(3) Jushen Yiwei: The word "ju" can be written as "Yi" followed by "Wei", but when writing "Wei" do not come up;
(4) Use the word "北之" in the character "Deng": the upper part of the character "Deng" is "北" and the lower part is "Zhi";
(5) Luzuo Yanrujue: next to the word "foot" of the word "路" can be written next to "yan";
(6) Don’t use the word "inch" on the right side of the word "shi": the word "inch" can be written on the right side of the word "shi".
Page 15: (1) Cao Gou Tian Fan Qing: The writing method of the word "Qing": from top to bottom, the word "艹" → horizontal hook → "anti";
(2) Yijiu posts Renfei: The way to write the word "fly" is as follows: write "yi" at the top, write "jiu" at the bottom, and then write "人" at the end of the word "jiu ";
(3) Only the last part is to worry about summer: distinguish between "summer" and "you": that is, add "one" under the bottom of "xia" to become "you"; ("Three Character Classic": Xia Yiyou)
(4) Identify Di Yi in the middle: The difference between the two characters "Di" and "Yi" is in the middle part;
(5) () Zhai Zeng Bu Jie: The first character is not in the character library, and its pronunciation and meaning are the same as "Zhai". These two characters are originally used in common, but they are written in different ways;
(6) Flowing and dyeing are dependent on each other: "Liu" and "Ran" are easily confused words, so pay attention to the difference when writing.
Page 16: (1) OR Jie Ge presupposition: when writing the word "or" and "jie", you must write "ge" first, but to be precise, you write the horizontal and diagonal hooks of the word "ge" first ;
(2) Gaohua foot preparation: When writing the characters "Gao" and "Hua", after the head is written, then write the middle vertical strokes all the way to the feet, and then write the middle part;
(3) Rui Yuyuan seems to be: "Rui" is somewhat similar to "Yu", but their heads and feet are different;
(4) Refusal to capture is vague: the words "reject" and "capture" are almost the same;
(5) The difference between mourning and quilt on the top: The difference between "mourning" and "quilt" is on the head;
(6) Qizhong Qi Gu Fei: The difference between the words "Qi" and "Gu" is in the middle part.
Page 17: (1) Zhizhimin relies on his family name: "Min" and "Shi" are interdependent, and the prefix of "Shi" is drawn with a small horizontal stroke to become the character "民";
(2) The tree has many branches: "tree" has a few more strokes on the right side of the character "branch";
(3) Both "care" and "bi" are close: How similar "care" and "bi" are! The difference lies in the bottom. You can use "一" at the bottom of "心", but don't use "一" at the bottom of "之". There are many ways to write it;
(4) Don't take a blind look at Lun Lin: The left and upper parts of the right side of the words "Lun" and "Lin" are written in the same way, but the lower half of the right side is different . Pay attention to it clearly!
(5) The word "qi" and "duan" are both written with the word "qi" and the left side of the word "go";
(6) Mi is also used in qian: the head of the word "qian" is the same as the head of "mi".
Page 18: (1) If you want to know Gao Qi Ma: The three characters "Gao", "Qi" and "Ma" are somewhat similar, so pay attention to identify them;
(2) Notes about Si (si) Ji'er: You must know that the three characters "啕", "Ji" and "儿" are easy to confuse, so pay attention to the identification of the head;
(3) Temple, 専 is not wrong: If there is no difference between the words "Temple" and "専", it is wrong. There is only two points of difference!
(4) Chao Bi is thinking: When writing the words "chao" and "bi", think about the difference between them!
(5) Zhang's side is slightly bent to make: first fold it horizontally and then write the word "Zhang" to get the word "Shi" ("Three Character Classic" sentence: Wan Zhangshi);
(6) Sun Bian Bu Xu Si: Write the character "Sun" and do not write the head of "糳" on the right side.
Page 19: (1) Don’t teach anyone to make a wish: The writing methods of the words “fan” and “wish” are very similar, so don’t write them wrong!
(2) Don’t make Yong Wei Li: "Yong" and "Li" are easy to confuse, the right side is the same and the left side is different;
(3) Zui Sui Fang Xing Chu: The words "Zui" and "Zui" are almost the same, and they can be distinguished based on the context;
(4) When Li Qin first emerged: the upper half of the characters "Li" and "Qin" were written in similar but different ways;
(5) Remember to write the words "zai" and "cai" by yourself when you are zaicai. Just remember how to write the lower part, and the upper part is the same;
(6) More information about Youyi: The two characters "You" and "彂" need to be written in different ways at the beginning.
Page 20: (1) Suddenly surprised Liu Rudui: Some people wrote the word "Liu" and "dui" the same, Wang Xizhi wrote it, and Shi You also wrote it, so don't be surprised;
(2) Fou has always meant Chui: "ou" and "chui" are also easy to confuse, and some historical calligraphers have written the same word, including Huai Su;
(3) Han Greed is really not even: the upper part of the characters "Han" and "Greed" are the same, but the lower part can be different;
(4) Tuiyi is still mixed: there are differences in the writing of "tui" and "yi", but the heads are the same;
(5) How could it be wrong to reduce and eliminate: The difference between the two words "reduction" and "extermination" is in the middle;
(6) The party hall is not easy to trace: Although the characters "party" and "tang" have the same beginning, their lower parts are different. There is no pattern to trace. Similar words include "chang", "dang" , etc., which must be memorized by heart.
Page 21: (1) Nuhuaidan is a mother: When a woman is pregnant with a fetus, she will become a mother. "Fetus" is just one point, "female" and "mother" are just one point different;
(2) Sou removes the dots and becomes skin: "Sou" removes the first dot and becomes the character "skin";
(3) If it is said that "she" is the same as "qian": If the word "she" is the same as "qian", then there is no difference between them?
(4) Jian must be taught to be a teacher: if you want "Jian" to become "Shi", you have to remove the two dots in the upper right corner;
(5) A type of turtle: "Motor", "Motor" and "Motor" are of the same type, but their heads may be different;
(6) Tea and chrysanthemum Ce are more intimate: "Cha", "Chrysanthemum" and "Ce" are similar, and the bamboo head of the word "Ce" can be written as "艹" head.
Page 22: (1) Fei Zuo Hun Ru Hua: The words "Fei" and "Zuo" are a bit like the writing of the word "Hua", but they are actually much different. What you should pay attention to is the two words "Fei" and "zuo". Easier to make mistakes;
(2) Credit is always the same as the body: The words "gong" and "lao" are also a bit like the word "body", but what is easy to confuse is the word "gong" and "lao", which are only slightly different ("Three Character Classic" is "point of credit") ");
(3) Showing clothes is especially confusing: "showing" and "clothing" are easy to write incorrectly, and special attention should be paid to the difference in the head;
(4) Amazhai buildings are adjacent to each other: the characters "奄" and "Zhai" are very similar, so pay attention to the writing of the first stroke;
(5) Dao Qi Wu Nan Bie: "Dao", "Qi" and "Wu" are easy to confuse, the upper parts are almost the same, but the feet are different;
(6) Jing Chong Ke is ethical: "Jing", "Chong" and "Ke" are of the same type, so pay attention to the distinction.
Page 23: (1) Shi Yu adds a dot: Add a dot to the upper right part of the word "Shi" to become the word "Yu", simple!
(2) Cang Yu can be the same as a person: "Cang" and "Yu" have similar characters, only the feet are different. It can also be understood that they both start with the prefix "人";
(3) How secret is the relationship between "shu" and "duan"? The characters "shu" and "duan" are too similar, but we should pay attention to the difference between the head and the middle part;
(4) The strokes of "曰" and "Gan" are all similar, except that the strokes are longer and shorter;
(5) Guard against dreams: Beware of writing "dream" as "褑", because they are somewhat similar;
(6) Self-combination determines Fu Chun: The characters "Fu" and "Chun" are also very similar, so they must be judged carefully.
Page 24: (1) It’s lucky to add a cart to an ox: adding “one” to “ox” means “car”;
(2) Point three, upper and lower heart: The words "upper", "lower" and "心" can all be written in three points, just like mathematical symbols: "because": "upper", "so": " ∴", "lower", The foot of the word "心" is made of three horizontal dots, and there should be changes in the writing of these three dots;
(3) Sanshen was once the same: the two words "shen" and "shen" are originally the same and there is no difference;
(4) There is no difference between "Xun" and "Xun": there is no difference in the writing of the characters "Xun" and "Xun";
(5) There is no difference between "Duo" and "Jiu": "Duo" and "Jiu" are easy to confuse, so pay attention to the difference in the feet;
(6) Ying Lei has its own reasons: The difference between the characters "Ying" and "磸" lies in the "yao" and "sheep" in the lower part.
Page 25: (1) Momentum Zongjie: The heads of "Shi" and "絜" are written in the same way;
(2) Chapter body effect Ping Xin: The lower part of "Zhang" should be compared with "Ping" and "Xin" to avoid writing errors.
(3) Hejiezaiyiyi: The characters "Zai" and "歳" are easy to confuse, so pay attention to the difference in the heads.
(4) Huanrong Quan is close to the Qin Dynasty: "Fist" is similar to "Qin", pay attention to the writing of the head.
(5) Xie Xing Fu Zhi: "Xie" and "tie" are also very similar. The writing methods on the left side of "Teeth" and "Ear" are the same in these two characters, but in fact they are written differently in many numbers.
(6) Lang is bent and stretched after breaking: It means that the right side of "lang" should be bent, and the right side of "broken" should be stretched. Because the lower part of "broken" on the left side can be written the same as "lang", so it is particularly important to Pay attention to the writing on the right.
Page 26:
(1) Tian Yue Tu Cheng Ye: It refers to the writing method of the word "wild": first write "Tian", then write "Moon" on the right side of the continuous stroke, and write "Tu" in the lower part.
(2) Qijiu Liao collects the sound: The writing of the word "Sheng" is in a different order from the writing of the word "野". From top to bottom, "Qi", "Nine", and "Liao" are written in one go.
(3) The most pressing and difficult sigh: The left sides of the three words "difficult", "difficult" and "sigh" are all the same. Remember the difference between the right sides.
(4) Youjieqi Yuzheng: The three words "Shi", "Yu" and "Zheng" seem to be the same, but they are actually different.
(5) Ge Zuncao: The characters "Ge" and "Zun" both have "fuck" heads, and the lower parts are both similar and different.
(6) Langmiao Yuexi: The writing method next to the right ear of "Lang" is the same as that of "Yue" in "Miao". Please pay attention to the difference on the left side of "Yue".
Page 27
(1) Li Li Si Cheng Man: Add "Li" under the word "Li" to form the word "Man";
(2) Gui Xin is Chun: This is how to write the word "Chong": add "心" under "Gui";
(3) Chu Shu Guan Xiang Zhuan: Whether it is the character "chu" or "书" depends on whether there is a neck. The one with a neck is the character "chu", and the one without is the character "书" ";
(4) The difference between the word "bie" and the word "line" depends on whether the head is pointed or horizontal;
(5) My home was not far away: The words "I" and "home" are easy to confuse, please note that the heads are different;
(6) The word "Jun" and "Wei" are written in the same way at the head and foot, but differently in the middle.
Page 28
(1) Shi Yi Quan Bian Huo: The structure of the word "Huo": "犭" on the left side, "Shi" on the upper right side, and "乂" on the lower side;
(2) Mo Jiao Yu Bian Qiong: the combination of the character "Qiong": the left side is "Yu", the upper part of the right side is "Mo", and the lower part is "Jiao";
(3) Knee and Teng Zhongwei: The writing method on the right side of the two characters "knees" and "Teng": write the head first, then vertically to the bottom, and then make a twist in the middle;
(4) The difference between "time" and "bi" is clear: the difference between "time" and "bi" is on the left side;
(5) Er Xia Ke is Luan: The way to write the word "Luan" is: write "Ke" under "二";
(6) If the word "宀" is left, then "寜" is written: "寜" is written under "寜".
Page 29
(1) From the dot above the question: that is, the way to write the word "er": write the word "wen" below the dot horizontally;
(2) Zao De Xing Tou Men: How to write the word "Zao": write "Xing" under the word "Men";
(3) Shame and death do not offend each other: "shame" and "die" are words that are easy to confuse, and there is only one difference;
(4) "Looking" and "Looking" are words that are easy to confuse, as the left and right sides are similar but also different;
(5) Deer Head Zhendaicao: This is the way to write the character "Deer", and it is correct to have a "fuck" head, because it is a pictographic character;
(6) Fox feet represent suspicion: the foot on the right side of the character "fox" can be written as "心".
Page 30
(1) Don't make "micro" become "gradual": don't write "micro" as "gradual", if it's different in the middle, it can be written the same on the right side;
(2) Xi Rongmen means Kun: The words "Meng" and "Kun" are easy to confuse, so pay attention to the difference in the feet;
(3) To write the word "南" (南) in Guan Liangfu: Do you want to write the character "南"? Look at "Liang" and "Fu", take "Liang" from the outside and "Fu" from the inside;
(4) Seeking the tripod and seeing the forest of thorns: When writing the word "ding", you can refer to the words "thorn" and "lin". There are similarities and differences;
(5) Hugh and Zhu Yi live below: When writing the words "Xiu" and "Zhu", don't forget to add the word "一" below;
(6) Qi Ben Qi Shang Zun: The heads of the characters "Qi" and "Ben" are both written as "Qi".
Page 33
(1) The head of Li is really similar to that of Department: the heads of "Li" and "System" are similar and can also be written the same;
(2) Under the silk, it looks like a bird: How to write the word "bird": just write "四" under the word "人";
(3) Both the ditch and the ditch have Ge: "Ge" can be used on the right side of the head of the characters "Gou" and "游";
(4) Paper and paper are used together with towels: the feet of the characters "帋" and "笺" are both written with the character "towel";
(5) It is easy to miss fear: the words "fear" and "huai" are easily misspelled, and the difference is on the right side of the head;
(6) Hui Nian is easy to combine: The words "Hui" and "Nian" are mixed up, and it is easy to make a mistake.
Page 32
(1) There are slight differences between "near", "xi" and "chai": "near", "xi" and "chai" are easy to confuse due to small differences, please note;
(2) Qiao, Shang and Zi are not group: the words "Qiao", "Shang" and "hidden" are not easy to be used together. They are very similar, so pay attention to the distinction;
(3) The words "欵" and "frequency" are similar, but there is a difference. You must understand that the difference is on the left side;
(4) How can it be faint to take: This way of writing the word "Suo" is easy to be confused with the word "take", so pay attention to the last stroke;
(5) Qi, Gan and Wei are equal: Are the words "Qi", "gan" and "wei" equal? ​​​​The answer is: No. They are just similar;
(6) Yu Dun Yin Ke Qin: The characters "Yu", "Dun" and "Yin" are easy to confuse, with only one point or one horizontal difference.
Page 33:
(1) The name of Taiwan is based on Zhao: both "Tai" and "name" can be written as "Zhao", because "Zhao" can be written in many ways;
(2) We are classified according to strictness: the words "杝" and "雷" are easy to confuse, and they are similar to the word "strict", but there are differences;
(3) Zou Xie's song is difficult to see: "Zou" and "Xie" are easy to mix up, and the difference lies in the first stroke;
(4) Cheng Ji Thie is easy to hear: Although the words "Cheng", "Ji" and "Thief" have similarities, they are easy to distinguish;
(5) Competing point of Fu Chuan: There is only one difference between "Fu" and "Chuan". Remember: a little more means "Fu" and a little less means "Zhuan". Many people write it wrong!
(6) The first word of "Liu" and "Bian" is written as "心"
Page 34:
(1) Chang Qu ends up like Lu: the character "Chang" is written in the same way as the lower half of the character "Lu";
(2) When eating good food, it is like swallowing it: The legs of the characters "Shi" and "Liang" are the same as the legs of "囧";
(3) Gaitou talks about modern style: the structures of the characters "gai" and "头" are slightly the same (there are other ways of writing the word "头", which are quite different from the way of writing the word " gai");
(4) The roots of “曺” and “曺” are different, that is, their feet are different;
(5) The old saying is that Tang is the same as Yan: Are "Tang" and "Yan" the same? Completely different;
(6) Try thinking about filial piety like cun: "filial piety" and "cun" are indeed similar, but you should remember the difference.
Page 35:
(1) Don’t get confused with sweeping: "Sweep" and "蔷" are words that are easy to confuse, so pay attention to the difference;
(2) Peng and Fu can invade each other: "Peng" written in this way is also confused with the word "Fu";
(3) How much is Shi Lao?: The heads of the characters "Shi" and "Lao" are written in the same "multiple symbols cross", only the feet are different;
(4) Xie Heng is shallow and deep: To know whether the cursive structure is shallow or deep, take a look at the two characters "xie" and "heng": the character "xie" has a left-center-right structure, while the character "heng" has a " "Line character" structure, such as the characters "jie", "shu", etc.;
(5) Hops are divided into water plants: the word "wine" is preceded by "氵", the word "花" is preceded by "艹", and the rest are the same;
(6) Ji Fang's other branch text: The main difference between the characters "Ji" and "Fang" is the "branch" and "文" on the right side.
Page 36:
(1) Lovely Jiao Neighbor Guo: "Jiao" and "Guo" are like neighbors, very similar, but we should pay attention to the difference between these two words;
(2) Chen's friend Zhan is more appropriate: The friend of “Chen” is “Zhan”. The difference between them lies in their radicals, that is, on the second page (1) “a little square means water” and (2 ) "empty pick but". "Yes", but these two sentences are not universal. In the cursive scripts of the past dynasties, there are many confusions around "人", "彳", "yan" and "氵", so pay attention to the distinction;
(3) Xi Guan Xianzhi: When you learn cursive script, you must read the original cursive scripts of Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi;
(4) Avoid muddy ink: If you want to write cursive script, why should you write cursive script if you don't even understand the structure (writing method) of cursive script! Understand the structure of cursive script, use the least amount of ink, and write accurate cursive characters, Mochi It won't be muddy anymore.