Everyone knows that Sun Li's calligraphy has been famous in the entertainment industry for a long time. Just yesterday, a Weibo post by the empress made her fans explode.

In the comments, in addition to following the trend and showing off a wave of calligraphy fans,



The rest is all to urge her to film▼


Today we will take a look at the works of this lady who doesn’t like filming and loves calligraphy, and also see who the teacher Tong she refers to is.

Sun Li’s Weibo tribute


Work analysis


This copy work by Sun Li is copied from the official script of Yi Bingshou, a great calligrapher in the Qing Dynasty.


*Yi Bingshou: The courtesy name is Zusi, the nickname is Moqing, and the later nickname is Mo'an. Yixi painted and made seals, and also had a collection of poems handed down to the world. Gongshu, especially seal script and official script, is exquisite and ancient. His calligraphy is beyond the ancient style, making calligraphy in the Qing Dynasty shine. The official script is particularly indulgent and elegant, with a self-contained and ancient and profound atmosphere, and is known as a master along with Deng Shiru.


Yi Bingshou

From the copy works, it can be seen that Sun Li has a good grasp of Fang Yan and Kuan Bo's style characteristics. The straight, round, uniform and substantial strokes are also well expressed.

But maybe because of the short study time, the writing skills are insufficient and the writing ability is insufficient. However, this is also understandable. Sun Li is usually busy, and it is not easy to write at such a level.

Sun Li's calligraphy has been famous in the entertainment industry for a long time, and compared with the calligraphy of other celebrities, Sun Li's calligraphy is "upright" - not the so-called "charlatan calligraphy" or "celebrity calligraphy."

The criterion for determining whether it is a "wild path" is to look at the "method of taking it."

The so-called "taking the method" is the object of learning and imitation.

"Lin Tie" learns from the ancients and the nutrition in traditional excellent works is the correct way to learn.

Sun Li is on this "correct learning path."