Peking University was born in 1898 and was originally named Capital University. It was the first national university in modern China and the first school established with the identity and name of a "university". It was renamed Peking University in 1911.

In 1916, Cai Yuanpei, a famous educator, became the president. "Adhering to the principle of freedom of thought and the meaning of inclusiveness," he implemented reforms and turned Peking University into a national academic and ideological center. The successive presidents of Peking University are also known for their erudition and their profound attainments in calligraphy. Now I have selected the calligraphy works of the 13 presidents of Peking University and dedicated them to all my friends. I hope you will like them.

1. Sun Jianai (1898.07-1900.00)

Sun Jia Nai's calligraphy works

Sun Jia Nai's calligraphy works

2. Xu Jingcheng (1899.07-1900.07)


Xu Jingcheng's calligraphy works

3. Zhang Baixi (1902.01-1904.02)


Zhang Baixi's calligraphy works

4. Zhang Hengjia (1904.02-1906.02)


Zhang Hengjia's calligraphy works

5. Li Jiaju (1906.02-1907.07)

Li Jiaju's calligraphy works

6. Zhu Yifan (1907.07-1907.12)

Zhu Yifan's calligraphy works



Zhu Yifan's calligraphy works

7. Liu Tingchen (1907.12-1910.09)

Liu Tingchen's calligraphy works

8. Lao Naixuan (1911.11-1912.02)

Lao Naixuan's calligraphy works

9. Yan Fu (1912.02-1912.10)

Yan Fu's calligraphy works

Yan Fu's calligraphy works

10. Zhang Shizhao (1912. 10 ----- 1912. 12)

Zhang Shizhao's calligraphy works

11. He Jueshi (1912.12-1913.11)


He Jueshi's calligraphy works

12. Cai Yuanpei (1916.12-1927.08)


Cai Yuanpei's calligraphy works

13. Jiang Menglin (1930. 12 ----- 1945. 10)


Jiang Menglin calligraphy works

14. Hu Shi (1945. 10 ----- 1948. 12)

Hu Shi's calligraphy works

As you can see, the calligraphy of these 14 Peking University presidents is indeed good, but they were all from before the founding of the People's Republic of China. After that, no president has been famous for his calligraphy. This also requires the current and future presidents of Peking University to practice calligraphy. This is also the expectation of Peking University, a century-old famous school.