Five-character Spring Couplets

Spring is the first sign of the Year of the Rat, and the six livestock pigs are the first
The magpies are singing, the red plum blossoms are blooming, and the Year of the Rat is full of joy

People are happy because they are healthy, and rats are happy because they are rich in years.
Rat is the first sign of the zodiac, and spring is the first sign of the year.

The arrival of the rat brings new rhythms, and the rooster crows early in the morning.
I am happy to have a rat-whisker pen, and I am happy to write a swallow-tail book

The rat in new makeup marries a girl, and the beautiful scenery welcomes the spring.
Spring arrives in the Year of the Son, and joy comes in the Year of the Rat

The spring is full of joy in the child's time, and the laughter is sweet in the year of the rat.
The son is the head of the earth branch, and the rat is the head of the zodiac.

The pines and waves are strong at midnight, and the magpies are fragrant in the Year of the Rat.
The midnight bell rings and the firecrackers roar in the Year of the Rat

Squirrels jump in Huangshan Mountain, spring comes at midnight
The oriole sings in the green willows, the golden rat loves the green pine trees

Rat Ying writes a spring post, magpie tongue reports the gospel
After a hundred years of promoting Jiazi, the blessed land is in Chunshen

Frogs croak in the Biye and squirrels chirp in Huangshan Mountain.
The green pines grow old with the years, and the rats grow new with the years.

The spring tide brings good news, the Year of the Rat brings good news
The spring breeze blows in the green willows, and the rats jump in the green pine trees.

The chirping of spring swallows warms the trees, and the golden mouse jumps over the green pines.
When the pigs go away, there will be plenty; when the rats come, they will bring good luck.

The spring of the pigs will be endless, and the rats will have more than enough in the coming year.
The Jade Rat bids farewell to the old year, and the Taurus welcomes the New Year.

Seal script couplets
"Writing Spring Festival Couplets during the Chinese New Year"

Six-character Spring Couplets

May all nine states enjoy a prosperous day, and the whole world will share the same spring in the new year.

The country values ​​stability and unity, and the family values ​​diligence and frugality.

Harmony brings wealth, loyalty brings blessings and eternal peace

The tiger leaps, the dragon leaps and flies, the flowers are bright and the willows are dark, the spring is dense

China has great political connections and outstanding people, and China has long-lasting peace and stability.

Singing and laughing to bid farewell to the old, and firecrackers and lanterns to welcome the new

Scenery of fiery trees, silver flowers, red plums and green willows in the new year

Congratulations to every family on getting rich, and congratulations on good health to everyone

Live a happy life day by day, and have happiness in the Year of the Rat

Xinzi rat is the beginning of the year, and the poem about plum blossom is fragrant.

All businesses will be prosperous in the Year of the Rat, and the harvest will be plentiful in the Year of the Rat.

Rats dance on the green peach branches, and warblers sing under the green willow flowers.

Spring couplets in running script

"Writing Spring Festival Couplets during the Chinese New Year"

Seven-character Spring Couplets

Only then did I see the fat pig bring wealth to the house, and the golden rat welcome the blessing.
Thousands of silver flowers welcome the golden rat, thousands of fire trees display jade dragons

When the time of the child comes, a new rhythm will be opened, and good news will come in the third year of the rat.
In the middle of the night, mice enjoy the music of firecrackers, and the swallows dance in the courtyard with loud laughter.

The first century welcomes the Golden Rat, and the third spring begins with raising the jade cup
In the Year of Geng, there is a celebration, the pig bids farewell to the new year, and the rat announces spring silently at midnight

Only then did I see the fat pig bring wealth to the house, and the golden rat welcome the blessing.
The auspicious rat is cleverly cut into the window grilles, and technology is honored as the god of wealth.

Thousands of golden waves rise from rice bean sprouts, and jade plum blossoms bloom thousands of miles away in the spring breeze
The golden pig wag its tail to bid farewell to the old year, while the jade rat pokes its head to welcome the new year.

Fire trees and silver flowers welcome the jade rat, and delicacies from mountains and seas are arranged on a golden plate
The auspicious rat announces a good harvest, and technology blossoms to enrich the family

The squirrel jumps on the branches, the shadow of the moon shines, the spring ox plows the fields, and the fragrance of the grain drifts.
New Year's picture: Rat marries girl, red plum blossoms stand proudly, snow magpies chirp in spring

Rat has no big or small name. It is updated year after year.
Mouse Ying traces spring into a painting, sheep hair touches ink and dances with dragon and snake

The east wind blows in the face, and the new rain blows, and the waves of Kyushu chase away the rats.
Favorable rains and good winds bring good fortune to the rat, and he enjoys three cups of wine in the new year.

The spirit rat welcomes the spring with good scenery, and the golden rooster announces the new dawn.
Rats play drums when getting married, and sheep dip their hair in ink to write Spring Festival couplets.

The unicorn horns and phoenix feathers increase the country's reputation, and the mouse whiskers brighten the spring scenery.
The squirrel jumps on the branches, the shadow of the moon shines, the spring ox plows the fields, and the fragrance of the grain drifts.

The waves of Kyushu chase away the rats, and the east wind of thousands of miles brings wealth.
The first hour of the day is Zi, and the zodiac sign Rat occupies the head

The green wine adds fragrance to the Gengzi year, and the snowflakes bring auspiciousness to the prosperous year.
Three spring flowers and rain moisten the age of Geng, and China celebrates the year of billions of children

At twelve o'clock, the rat is at the head, and spring is at the head all year round.
The years are prosperous, and the country is beautiful in the year of Geng.

Spring couplets in regular script
"Writing Spring Festival Couplets during the Chinese New Year"

In the year of Zi, there will be great mountains and rivers, and in the year of Geng, there will be plenty and the sun and the moon will be new.
A harmonious family background brings a hundred blessings, and the whole family is happy and receives a thousand blessings.

Green bamboo separates the three-part scene, and red plum blossoms bring spring to all families.
Spring is coming, flowers are blooming on the earth, and everything is new in the world.

May everything be smooth sailing every year, and everything will go well every step of the way.
May everything be smooth sailing every year, and everything will go well every step of the way.

If you live in a high place, your wealth will be prosperous, and your family will be prosperous and prosperous.
The family is prosperous and the family is rich, and everyone is happy when the time comes

Welcome the new year with beautiful scenery, bid farewell to the old year with great prosperity
Wealth comes with spring, joy comes with blessings

The east wind turns the rainy mountains into green mountains, and the policies focus on spring everywhere.
A Heshun family brings a hundred blessings, and the word "peace" is worth a thousand pieces of gold.

The earth flows with gold, everything is new, winter goes and spring comes, everything is new
The red plum blossoms are in bud despite the winter snow, and the green willows are sprouting catkins to welcome the new year.

The spring breeze brings good fortune to the house, and the years renew and fill the door with blessings
The lucky stars are shining brightly in the family portrait, and the house is full of spring glory.

Good luck all year round and bring treasures from all directions into your home
The family is prosperous and the family is rich, and everyone is happy when the time comes

Welcome the new year with beautiful scenery, bid farewell to the old year with great prosperity
May everything be smooth sailing every year, and everything will go well every step of the way.

After a hundred years, the heaven and earth have regained their vitality, and peace has unified the mountains and rivers.
Celebrating the New Year with joy and laughter, gathering together to welcome the New Year

Add some happiness to the old year, and take the new year to a higher level
A harmonious family background brings a hundred blessings, and the whole family is happy and receives a thousand blessings.

Green bamboo separates the three-part scene, and red plum blossoms bring spring to all families.
Spring is coming, flowers are blooming on the earth, and everything is new in the world.

Wherever you get rich, treasures will come from all directions, and you will be blessed and safe all year round.
Grand national events come with the spring report, plum blossoms bloom in auspicious light to celebrate the New Year

Spring couplets in official script
"Writing Spring Festival Couplets during the Chinese New Year"

Eight-character spring couplets

At the beginning of the first century, we welcome the Golden Rat together, and at the beginning of the third spring, we raise the jade cup together
Spring rain, dawn breeze, flowers blooming in five colors, rats and lins fighting to sweep away thousands of armies

The Spring Festival couplets are antithetical to the people's peace and prosperity, and the words "happy" are in pairs, the flowers are full and the moon is full.
Spring is full of flowers in the world, and the small courtyard is always peaceful all year round.

Horizontal batch

Gengzi is auspicious, the wind is favourable, everything goes well

The breeze of prosperous times, the spring breeze brings warmth, never forget the original intention

The door is full of auspiciousness, Hu Na Qianxiang welcomes the new year
Prosperity, great ambitions, and a prosperous life

All industries prosper, spring fills the world, and five blessings come to the door
More auspiciousness, Chang'an in all seasons, happiness in the world

Keep moving forward, spring is everywhere, and everyone is celebrating
Live and work in peace and contentment, prosper the country, and prosper the family business

Peace throughout the seasons, spring everywhere, celebrations across the five continents
Peace is blessing, great achievements, family harmony

All people rejoice, peace and prosperity auspicious
All the best, happy new year, full of spring

The auspicious stars are shining brightly, the grains are plentiful, and the livestock are prosperous.
Flowers are blooming, the moon is full, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, everyone is celebrating

All seasons are like spring, China is rich in spring, great achievements have been made
Spring returns to the earth, all wishes come true, family and everything are prosperous