Lu Zhongnan and Tian Yingzhang are both famous regular script calligraphers today, and both of them studied the regular script "Jiucheng Palace Liquan Ming" by Ouyang Xun, a calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty. Both of them won the grand prize in the national calligraphy competition in their early years.

Tian Yingzhang won the first place in the Army Calligraphy Competition in 1981, and Lu Zhongnan also won the championship in the National Television Calligraphy Grand Prix in 1986. These two former champion calligraphers, after 30 years of practice, although they also studied Ouyang Xun's calligraphy Regular script, but the writing style makes a big difference.

Tian Yingzhang's regular script is fatter and thinner. There are more strokes in the middle part of the strokes, with more emphasis on the two ends and less emphasis on the middle. This is a typical feature of regular script in the Tang Dynasty. Chu Suiliang was well versed in this method, while the middle part of Lu Zhongnan's regular script is very Solid, seal script and official script generally pay more attention to the interruption of lines. Lu Zhongnan should be influenced by seal script and official script.

One is thin and vigorous, the other is thick. There is still a big difference in style between the two. In recent years, it can be said that the calligraphy of the two has been mixed. There are obviously more voices criticizing Tian Yingzhang's calligraphy, and fewer criticizing Lu Zhongnan. Even It has also received mainstream praise, and Lu Zhongnan is even a judge for the National Calligraphy Competition of the Chinese Calligraphy Association.

In fact, it is difficult to judge the calligraphy of the two. They are both masters in the structure of calligraphy. They can only evaluate the charm and style, which is more difficult. You need to have a certain foundation of calligraphy and appreciation ability before you can do it. To make an accurate evaluation, let’s just look at the calligraphy works of the two.

Today we have presented two works. Who do you think writes better? Tian Yingzhang and Lu Zhongnan both write European style. One is praised by the mainstream and the other is criticized. So, whose calligraphy do you like better?